From Goliath to Northern Darkness and a Eurocup final, onto aMenti and TLR and in with a realistic chance of success at CPC2. Croatia's aCoZz has been on a long and winding road to become Croatia's leading light in Wolfenstein, so lets dig and find out what makes this lovable character tick!
image: acozzdocspicbb2
You know the score, Mr. aCoZz, I want to sum up all the boring parts of an interview in the first question! So, please tell us alot about yourself and your gaming history

Well I guess you all know the basic info from the previous interviews, so let's crop the boring part as much as we can. About my gaming history, I've been around the scene for about 3 years, I started as soon ISDN became aviable in Croatia, and MP became playable for me, atleast on Croatian servers. I was pubing mostly at start untill I joined my first nub clan CIR, in which I played for about 6 months.
After it I decided to form dax/rS with a full Croatian lineup, which in it's 1 year existance achieved some minor stuff. After rS died, I decided to play international. Soon I met dAv1d, and after some time we decided to form Goliath, the rest everyone probably knows.

So, why should Raveneye NOT have won the best Rifle award?

That's a nasty question you layed on me Tossy-Wossy! I presume you chosen it because of my successfull " best rifle award " nomination! ;) I don't want to insult Raveneye, but the nominations were for the year 2006, and in it he didn't achieve much. :P If I would have to pick someone, I would have picked gifty ( and I hate gifty!! ), only because he attended every major LAN event, and performed nicely on it.

Why do you hate gifty?

I don't hate him personaly (ofc:p) , just his gameplay style. He's definately the most aggressive rifle at the moment, and sometimes you cannot predict his next action, and he excels the most then.

You've played at the top level of ET for some time, If you had the power, if you owned Clanbase, Crossfire, and GamesTV what would you do to improve our little corner of the net?

First I would form a universal config, which would be consumed in every major competition, I'm finding it hard to believe that CB/ESL/WL can't agree on one config. Also, instead of forcing new unexamined maps, I would try to modify some old but great maps, for example Village. Everything else is tolerable, you can't expect everything to be perfect especialy since ET is a free game.

As mentioned you've hung around the top end of ET for quite some time now, what makes you keep playing? Who are the nice guys at the top?

I'm not sure what's keeping me in ET, it's not the money factor surely, so I'd have to say some great I made acquaintance over the past few years, and ofcourse ET itself is something special. The n1ce guys at the top? If you mean clans, I suppose zeroPoint and Fear Factory are always fun to play with! And ofcourse my croatian buddies ESCN. <3

And who's not so nice to play against? Individuals and teams

Clanhopping kidies who make you ready up every 5 seconds, It would take really alot of space to name them all... Oh and Dignitas ofc! Bunch of arrogant bastards! They even tainted Jaki's golden heart! :(

Dignitas, arrogant? Darkie mentioned something about this in his Interview. Care to elaborate on your point. After all, they dont flame on crossfire so they cant be that bad! ;)

I see Darkie's powers of observation continue to serve him well. I'm not saying their whole team is arrogant, but the newcomers reload & revers make most of it. Senji had his fair share of inappropriate jokes aswell. They don't show off alot in public, but there is a screen behind the mirror that says different. :P

Tell us a little about aMenti moving to TLR, as has often been reported you have two options, one was TLR and the other was H2k. Why did you chose TLR? And would you like set any records straight?

The main reason we joined TLR for was the financial and hardware support. H2k weren't able to give us that from the start, they offered us hardware and t-shirts, which clearly wasn't enough to join and possibly sign a contract for. Noone should be surprised on their decision, ET afterall is a free game with few LAN events and almost no money. And yes, I would like to add that TosspoT is a drama queen, who personaly supplemented our newspost with the information we turned H2k's offer.

You didnt react happily to FlyingDJ's column yesterday when your team was mentioned, why was that?

It was plainly because some people formed their own opinion after they saw we turned h2k down, and I guess most did not believe it, especialy FlyingDJ who's involved alot in eSports. Eventhough everyone's opinion matter, and colums are the way to express your opinion, I got upset when he called us clanhoppers automatically comparing us with other less devoted people that change their clans on regular basis.
People are talking about Dignitas as a team that's playing together over a year, but as us, they had their lineup changes aswell, people always leave, people always get replaced, nothing is eternal. True, they stayed loyal to the Idle name for quite some time, and we changed our MGC's alot, but we had our reasons to do it, one of them is CPC2.

You've come close but never managed to beat Idle/Dignitas in your time as a top player, does that fuel your motivation? Does it generate resentment? What does it do to you?

Everytime we played them it was a one sided game, so I'm not particularly dissapointed, they deserved to win, I would be pretty dissapointed if thoose games were close, especialy if I screwed something up enabling them to win. :P You could say I'm motivated more then ever at the moment, since CPC2 is probably the last offline event worthy to attend. We'll see how Dignitas is going to perform without Night, since Sol isn't the best replacement imo

You've been in quite alot of multi gaming clans, what would you warn the next young acozz to beware of when entering that arena?

Haha, I would recommend him to play another game because it's alot easier to find good support, in ET even on the top level it's really hard to find someone who will trust, invest, and waste time on you, especialy because he gains very little in return. Also, you can't expect that someone will notice you if you don't make an effort to present yourself in the best way possible.

Talk about Northern Darkness, what happened there? Their CoD team said goodbye whilst you said hello, why did you chose to stick with them and what went wrong?

We joined Northern Darkness after their golden era, managemant was kinda divided, CS team fell to inactivity after some time, and CoD2 team was shattered after Vivid from their squad died in a car accident. After that incident the whole clan disentegrated, and our only option was to move on into dMiZE with reck, who's currently managing the ex digitalMind CoD2 team.
Even with all the problems that surrounded us there, I have to point out that everyone from ND's organisations are great guys, and I'm sure their doing fine now.

We've talked about all of your likely CPC rivals except for Impact, on Monday they beat zP, does that make them good or zP bad? What is your view on the side's chances at cpc

I wasn't sure how to react while I was speccing that game, both teams seemed a bit disorganized at some parts, but I think Impact is getting used to the changes they had to make with M1lk replacing Mztik. I can't allow myself to say either one of the is bad, but it seemed to me zP had a bad day, and I'm sure they'll work alot to fix they're minor problems in the next few days.

What about TLR at CPC, most people think this is the biggest chance for someone to beat dignitas, will you be the one? How will you fair

We'll give our best to make it happen, but it really depends on many factors. If we perform same as online, I think we could jeopardise Dignitas, but I think the competition will be ruthless. Can't really say more then that in a realistic way.

If you have any shoutouts, fire them away

Shoutout to all 15 year old kids who enjoy their daily ego boosts. :-) And to dAv1d ofc!