image: chaoz
[img|left][/img] chaoz
Christoph Heidler
19 Years
Germany shuuk
Germany xSporting
Germany Gods.Incorporated
Germany Instant-Defeat
Europe Maybe
Sweden zeroPoint
Germany Team-Helix

Hey chaoz, you are known as a big fighter for the ET:QW scene and a player for Team Speedlink. Some years ago you started ET and reached some major achievements with the team Streetfighters in 3on3. Please tell us something about yourself and your current Team.
Hi, my name is Christoph, 19 years old from southest southern Germany.
As already said im playing with Team Speedlink since the beginning of the open beta and we're currently waiting for the first big fights in Quakewars since release of the game. Clanbase and EMS playoffs are just about to start and we're excited to see if we can prove ourselves between the best teams in Europe.

What’s the meaning of chaos for you?
Me seting up my mouse drivers at cdc2 (Computer-Killcount: 2)

Who is the nicest person you met at LAN?
I'd say Melkor, met him the first time at the cpc2 and on wacken07 too. But in general all sTREETFIGHTER guys, met almost all guys once or more in reallife.

If you could choose a team for a LAN, who would you pick?
Sounds boring but I'd pick Speed-Link for sure. A big part of the team already met each other at the Enlarged Lan in Germany 2 months ago and we had a lot of fun. Was more drinking than LAN but I doubt we wont have a good time in a sober status :D

Besides eSports, what sports is you interested in?
I played Handball for 8 years and I still have a passion for it. But ofcourse Football is one of my interests too :)

Do you take it as serious as gaming?
I'm not taking gaming too serious, but yes I took it kinda serious when I was still playing handball actively :P

In the early days of ET spam was a thing you complained about regarding the ET 5on5 issue. Now you are playing Quake Wars, how do you think spam influences the game and what is your opinion about tactics and teamplay in Quake Wars compared to ET?
The difference they made between quakewars and ET is that more different classes are needed to reach a maps objective. ETQW teams have mostly only 1 fieldop/oppresor spamming airstrikes and his deployable recharges very slow. I dont recognize any annoying spam except maybe the hyperblasters. But that will be fixed with restrictions in the upcoming etqw:promod anyway.

When you started ET there was ETmain and nothing like an competition mod. The game developed over time and evolved with the releases of etpro and ettv later on. Now some random rumours come up with the point ETQW dieing already just because some clan lefts the scene. What is your opinion about these guys and this issue?
Well If they just dont get any fun out of a game or have reallife issues nobody can really blame them for leaving. To say the game is dying because some teams left the scene is just wrong, people said 'ET is dead' while it's best time had not even begun (Crossfire LANs, SHG Open, some big cups...) Thats just the dayly bullshit in esports :)

Different rulesets came up right from the beginning with major competitions like the ClanBase Open Cup and the ESL Major Series. Many complains happened in ET aswell when new rules was suggested. Doesn't a limited ruleset from the beginning stop the game getting what it should be or limit the tactical freedom in wars? What is your opinion about this issue or do you rather enjoy the rules?
The more time is passing the better the rules will get. They just removed some really annoying things like the radar and thats a good thing. From what I'm seeing there's a reducted rule set coming and its made by the topteams, so it will be great for competition (No Baldrick is not involved! :D) Some rather unplayable maps like volcano (shame for etqw it is in every mappool) will be improved by changing spawntimes and so much more.

ESL and CB hosted important cups right from the beginning. Also other organisations hosted cups with great prize pools and now we see the Crossfire QCup. In the start I would rather let the game grow and establish a community with fights and different top clans bringing hot action together and then host big competitions like CB Open Cup and the EMS. But Quakecon have already hosted a beta tournament this summer and the support from activision has been there since day 1, the aim of the publishers and leagues is to support the game with as much as they can get right from the beginning. What do you think about the support by ID, Avtivision and Splash Damage?
Ofcourse it's a good thing, money is always a good thing. But maybe it would've been better to start these cups at a later time of the game when there is a competition mod and ETQW TV.
It's really sad we dont have it for this OpenCup since there are so many great matches coming up.

Splash Damage announced their very own competition mod, what do you think about having a competition mod developed by the developer and not by the community? Also there is the ETQWpro mod project with players from and rumours telling nearly every detail about ETQW TV with the 1.3 patch. What are your thoughts?
I dont know, time will tell. But in some way I doubt the SplashDamage Promod will be what the community is waiting for. Why would you work on a game for years and then create a mod that limits the functions of vehicles for example? They'd love to see the game being played with all vehicles , means flyers and 2 tanks at the same time. But that is just not possible. The guy coding the unofficial promode you meantioned is in close contact with the topteams and we already had an alphatest this weekend. Ofcourse there are still many bugs to fix but it will be exactly what the community wants. If the Splashdamage Mod sucks we just wont use it then :D

Ignoring the fact you don't enjoy one community out there very much, what game did you like best in your gaming history?
Enemy Territory

In five years gaming and I will ...
... hopefully go different ways.

... and eSports in Germany will be ...
... like it is in korea today.

Thanks for your time and I hope you will enjoy the CDC4 and the upcoming Crossfire QCup.
I will!