Today I got the welcome opportunity to interview Dutch progamer Jaap "BuLL" Boerema! The driving force behind OVERLOAds new W:ET squad! He was kind enough to take some time to answer a few question for me during his day off, and after a few technical problems on my part, we finally got around to finishing!

QuoteEngland me: As always, lets get the boring stuff out of the way first! Tell us all a little about yourself and your gaming history.

Netherlands BuLL:

I started about 6,5 years ago with RtCW and it felt great. Having a 700mhz pc with a 56k modem it was the best time I had in all these years. Gaming still had the "fun-factor" and playing with 500ping on American servers 20v20 beach definitely was fun. On Wednesday 15 December 2003 I came back home from school around 2pm and I finally had my ADSL connection :D. I joined up with gAim right away, which was a pretty established Dutch team. In the beginning of 2004 I started with ET, which I didn’t like at all, but I can’t really remember any RtCW player liking ET at that moment. I got asked for Kodler.ET and after some months we left the multigaming. We went solo with the same team and we called ourselves Malfunction, which had a team in RtCW as well in the past. In January the same team joined up with Kreaturen and we stopped playing in December 2005.I wanted to go on with ET and I ended up with rAtatosk where I had a pretty good time. After EC I kinda stopped playing and in September the first CPC arrived. After this I never really had any serious long lasting teams except for the ones that participated in the Crossfire LAN’s. Now I’m playing for OVERLOAd and it are basically still the same guys I’ve been on ventrilo with for the past 3 years every day, so we got a close connection and it feels good every day day :D.

England me: You're one of the most liked and respected players about in today’s ET scene, so given that, whats your opinion on ET’s current situation? Dead? Or full of life?

Netherlands BuLL:

Well I don't know anything about me being respected and liked and I don't really care about that. I want to have fun with the guys I'm playing with and I can say I am. When I see all the players and all the news posts on I noticed one thing; ET is alive because of xfire or let I put it this way: ET = I think without the Crossfire LAN’s ET would never got so much older players left and everyone would stop or move over to another game. I know I (we) would definitely move to another game if there wasn’t any LAN left. Now about the dead or alive question, I would say pretty dead. If I play a 3on3 against any mid or mid+ team, we are sometimes getting raped by people we never ever heard of and that’s so _not_ cool. I’m not saying I’m good/skilled or whatever, but some guys are just insane and I don’t know if that has got to do with experience or or something else. It’s only fun to play 6on6 against LAN teams in my opinion.

England me: From the outside OVERLOAds ET lineup is looking extremely strong, if lacking a natural rifler, how are you feeling about the team.

Netherlands BuLL:

We all know each other for several years now and that makes it easy to communicate. I can imagine the team looks strong to outsiders, but with having M1lk as rifle, it’s sometimes pretty hard to keep up with some good teams. I'm not saying M1lk sucks, cause he doesn't, but I rather have an experienced die hard noob who can only spam and irritate the enemy and let m1lk pown everyone as medic. We haven't been practicing that much, although it looks like we did sometimes. But I think we never played with our full line-up and having mercs or playing mixed games several days in a row, doesn't really help

England me: There has been some controversy and speculation about your decision to take foSt into the lineup, do you feel the critics are justified? Or should they just "gtfo"?

Netherlands BuLL:

We’ve been playing with foSt for a long time not and most of the time were just mixed games or 3on3’s. I think that he’s a great player and the fact he cheated once in a public doesn’t really bother me. I am not supporting cheaters in any way, but I believe him when he says he never cheated in any 3on3 or 6on6 match. He’s been banned for the cheat and came back, so if he performs well on CDC, I see no problems. Maybe I’m too trustworthy and if I am mistaken, I will apologize some day.

England me: So what attracted you and the rest of the Kreaboys to OVERLOAd?

Netherlands BuLL:

I never really heard of OVERLOAd and when buNdy first came up with the name I thought he meant the overdose team or something :D. But I’ve talked to Sainted and XajP and they offered us to pay the entrance fee and maybe get us some shirts. I don’t mind playing under their flag for that.

England me: Back to the subject of CDC4, what teams did you think pose the biggest threat to you, and are there any players you’re interested in seeing perform at the LAN?

Netherlands BuLL:

Well I don't see us being a huge threat to any of the top teams and I think aMenti and TLR end up in the top3 for sure. EDiT are doing pretty nice and even without mAus it's a pretty strong team. When they are active, they are highly dedicated and they want to perform well. I'm not interested at all to see players perform well at lan. I only hope foSt does :D:D

England me: You've come 4th in the last two crossfire LAN events and you walked away with the bronze at CPC1 with team NL behind idle and sFx, no small achievements by anyone’s standards, but do you think this time it could be your time?

Netherlands BuLL:

No, not in any possible way.

Me: Do you and the team plan on staying active after CDC4 or will you fold and move on to different teams or games?

Netherlands BuLL:

I have no clue yet. I don’t know if we will continue for CDC5/6. Maybe we will go on to CoD4 where we are already pretty active sometimes, but we just suck (rank 1297 3o3 CB ladder). :D:D

Now to the quick fire round, as is tradition!

QuoteFavorite Meal?

Pizza quatro formaggi made by a real Italian

Whats your sport?

Soccer Note: I'm sure he meant football!

Pepsi or Coke?

Coca Cola Zero only

Now playing?

Jannes - Dam Dam

England me: Well, BuLL thanks alot for taking the time out of your day to give me this interview, it was a pleasure :) Any shoutouts?

Netherlands BuLL:

shoutouts to Kreaturen, Overload, MAZZ, aegrus,,,vae CPC2 team!, yer mom and many more I forgot

England me: Thanks again, and enjoy the rest of your day off :)

Again, a special thanks to BuLL for the interview!

Shoutout to: xed0s, Panda, Acksaw, sAs, Xo, AziMiZ, Viper and Solcious and the majestic Waki!

Skydeh is a pe0n!