Star player of re-play, United Kingdom R0SS has joined me in Baggiez corner to discuss the last minute substitution of Finland toNi and his replacement Crossfire veteran Netherlands Kitty.

After two wins and two losses your time in the ET tournemant is over. How pleased were you with your personal and your teams performance?

I was pleased with my personal performance after not playing as well as I had hoped at CDC4. I was also pleased with replays showing due to the lineup replacement. This was highlighted by taking a round off Button Bashers. However we were disappointed with the loss against PolakZ because I feel we could've had it!

Coming into the event you had a last minute change in line-up. Why don't you tell us the story behind that?

Basically, one our senior players, toNi, decided it would be funny to give us false information on when he would be arriving in Enschede for the ET tournemant. Coming into the last week of preparation for the LAN he was not online at all and we began to doubt whether he would be in attendance. We decided to play it safe and gave ourselves the option of replacing him with Kitty, who is a top quality player and nearly as good looking as me.

Myself and w3st arrived at the LAN centre bootcamp on Thursday to find out that Sup3r had posted a journal about toNi not turning up to LAN. This was the first we'd heard of it. We were outraged and naturally began to question his offline skills. Luckily Kitty was on hand to replace him.

What are the teams current feelings towards toNi and are you likely to play with him online after the event?

Re-play are contemplating taking a break over the Christmas / New Year period. We have no further plans to play with this dork toNi.

With Buttonbashers already qualified for the final, and mamut taking on Epsilon in the remaining semi-final, who do you expect to win the event?

Impact because they have m1lk!

I heard there was an incident involving Tyyrd earlier today. Care to enlighten the crossfire readers?

We were watching the Buttonbashers vs. Impact match on bremen. Tyyrd decided it would be an ideal time to take a nap, right infront of the big screens. After seeing him fall asleep, I took it upon myself to give him a 'wet-willy'. After this failed to wake him, TosspoT decided it would be funny to grab a pint of water from the bar and hand it to me. We then called upon an admin to film me pouring the pint of water over his head. This drew far more attention than the dramatic ET semi-final itself. Nobody could stop laughing, including TosspoT who was drawn to tears.

Shoutout to toNi, jonas and mAv.

Thank you for your time R0SS.