With the ET Nationscup kicking off, i thought it might be interesting talk with someone from Team BE.

Hi Jere, give us a short introduction about yourself.
Hi Gero, well I'm an 18-years old student.
I'm at my first year at the University of Leuven and I'm studying Computer Science. In my free-time I love to play football, tennis and ET ofc. 1 or 2 times a year I also go skiing.

spiROZE became the captain of team BE, quite a surprise, how you think that was possible?
Well, at first everyone wanted Anaconda to be the captain, he had done a great job in the past and nothing seemed to be changed at that point. But as most of you probably know the story, Anaconda wanted to get lio and acid in the team.

That's why most other possible team BE players voted for spiROZE because he wanted a team without them and with the best players available.
I think spiROZE is doing a great job, he just wants the best for the team and imo he has made the best available choices for the team.

If we compare the line up from this season with the one from previous season, we see alot of new players.
You think this will be an advantage or a disadvantage?
Well, of course we lose some skilled players like lio for example, but by playing with cheaters or cheating himself, he just lost all the respect from the community and from most of team BE's players.

I think we have some nice replacements like Worm, he's really playing at a high level since some months. I think for this NC it will be probably a disadvantage because of the lack of teamplay we gonna have in the beginning I guess.

Can you tell us a bit about the players of team BE?
Each player has his own abbilities?
* First of all we have dAv1d, he's the most known player of our team. He won 2 CF LANs and became 2nd on 2 other CF LANs. He's a great supportive medic with a decent aim.
Altough he isn't that active (he's playing 1/2 nights per week), we certainly wanted him in the team because of his experience on the highest level.

* Then we got spiROZE, he's our captain, he has a very nice aim and his teamplay shouldn't be underestimated.
He played on CDC3 with 8bits and he's making a new team now, called whoknows?! He's a very friendly guy, always wanting the best for the team.

* xaV is the only French talking Belgian in the line-up. He's a nice engi smg, always goes for the objective and has a decent aim. At the moment he's playing with Gamerz Connexion.

* Worm is our main field ops player, he has a decent aim, but by far his spam is always annoying for the opponent, he mostly gets quite a lot of damage.
He's playing with 8Bits FiF Green at the moment, with which he also went to CC5.

* siL can basicaly play every class, fops, medic, engi smg, it doesn't really matter to him as long as he helps the team.
He's underestimated by many in my opinion and as you might know he's also playing with 8Bits FiF Green.

* At last, Jere is the Team BE's rifle for this season, I hope to do well in my first NC.
I'm more like a defensive rifle then an offensive rifle, but Worm learnd me to play more aggressive, which results in more pressure onto the opponent, a big thanks to him. :)

Who, you think, will be the hardest opponent in the groupstage?
Well, as I saw EstoniaEstonia beating NetherlandsThe Netherlands and PolandPoland in #evu.cup3, I think they are one of the favorites to win the tournament. They are certainly the favorite in our group.
Further more JapanJapan and SwitzerlandSwitzerland are competing with us to get place 2 and 3 and there is HungaryHungary and CanadaCanada to surprise us.

Will this team be able to perform better then the team of previous season?
Well, I don't think we're gonna win this NC, so I guess we won't be able to perform better then the previous team. Although I think we should get some time to grow, as the previous team also needed some time to grow. The loss of mAus is also quite hard to fill up.

For which place are you guys aiming?
Well, at first we want to reach the playoffs, placing 1st/2nd/3rd in our group and then we'll see what happens.
Let's say top-8 would be nice and if we reach more we can certainly speak of a succesfull team BE.

What's your statement about the maplist and the ping issues?
Well the maplist is weird to say at least. I think battery and reactor aren't really that nice maps. I really miss bremen in the mappool and I would've like a frost or adler for some exciting run-games :P.

About the ping issues, I think it was really lame from the country's who don't wanted to play on a United States of AmericaUSA server to get equal pings. We gonna play on fair servers vs JapanJapan and CanadaCanada and I hope every other match will be on equal servers.

Can you tell us your top 3 for this season?
Although Finland could get in the top-3 also and team NL maybe if they can get their train rolling.

Thx Jere for the interview and good luck
No problem Gero :D
Also shoutout to whole FiF, 8bits and overload.

edit on request:
shoutout to sAm aswell, lolz :D