Well i am here with possibly the most controversial player in the ET scene hYpe

mAv: hYpe could you you tell us something about yourself to start of with?

hYpe: My name is Hype. Brother of the famous KAMZ/b2k. Started playing ET like a year after it came out, took a few inactivity breaks but still been playing this game quite along time. Outside of ET, I am a proud graduate in Mathematics and Management studies.

mAv: Great stuff, as we saw last night the EC invites and qualifiers were announced, did you find them fair?

hYpe: Yeah, for once I thought it was pretty fair. Apart from 1-2 less known teams getting qualifiers but then again the skill level of the teams signed up this EC and the last EC is/was very low compared to other seasons. And for once, Clanbase didn't give my team the hardest qualifier like they usually do :_D

mAv: That leads me to the next question, sublime vs asd, are you confident that you can beat them? And are you ready to take the title of UK's best fops from Baggiez hands?

hYpe: It's a team game, not about individuals imo :) And if it was, I wouldn't want to be compared to somebody like Baggiez whose last achievement in ET was about 4 years ago. I think if we play like we normally do, with focus and motivation, then we can beat asd, I don't think their lineup is that great but we'll see.

mAv: There's always been a lot of flaming beetween you and baggiez, people that visited etnations would know this, do you think this is your chance to prove yourself against your "arch enemy" ?

hYpe: I've said it before and I'll say it again. Baggiez is somebody who had some achievements with SoF back in 2005 (and not even any great ones) when the average skill of an individual and their team was very low compared to now. He wants to rekindle his time in the spotlight once again but unfortunately, he's come across somebody that won't let that happen!

mAv: who do you think is actually the best player out of you two?

hYpe: Depends whether you prefer oldschool or newschool. I know which one I prefer. Just watch the UK team in nationscup a couple seasons ago with Ste, Marvel and Baggiez. It was fucking embarrassing and painful to watch them get raged.

mAv: If you happen to beat asd you will most likely be up against EC WINNERS !!! how do you feel about that?

hYpe: Apart from Meez, EC winners have some very good individual players and it will no doubt be tough. But as for their teamplay, I know nothing about so I have no idea how that one will go.

mAv: Who do you think will surprise a lot of people in this years ec?

hYpe: I don't think anybody will surprise tbh. I mean most of the teams are known and full of known players. Maybe if I had to go with somebody I would say Randomers, they're pretty good.

mAv: Now for your predictions.

sleeperz vs underscore?
eC winners !!! vs. tA?
Sublime vs. asd.?
glitz vs. invitium?
TAG vs system6?
cortana vs. e2?
blurred vision vs. best players belgium ever had?
randomers vs pinpals?

hYpe: zZz, EC Winners, Sublime, glitz, TAG, Cortana, best players belgium ever had, Randomers

mAv: Great, anyone you wish to give a shoutout to?

hYpe: Shoutout to mAv ! and #ALMIGHTY.ET my internet home with my friends and family <333333