Since BelgiumKevin is performing well in the NC, and is still getting flamed a lot because of his past, I felt like it might be interesting to interview him:

1) Hi Kevin, for those who don’t know you, could you introduce yourself?

- Hi, my name is Kevin Verhulst. I'm 19 years old and I live in Belgium, and I'm currently studying law. My most important hobbies are obviously gaming, playing the piano, reading, and going out.

2) Most people know you from team EDiT, and obviously from the fact that you guys started cheating, why did you cheat, and do you regret it?

- Errm, we honestly started cheating because we didn't care about the game anymore at that point, on top of that cheating seemed like fun. Obviously I was mistaken because when I got banned I actually thought it sucked and I kind of missed playing the game. Especially the flame now, so long after it has happened, is sometimes annoying but I can't really blame anyone.

- I'm not going to lie, the cheating on itself was fun for a couple of matches. But looking back on it now I wish I'd never done it.

- PS: It's also very annoying to play versus ex-cheaters now seeing I can't flame them anymore.

3) As expected, you got selected for Team BelgiumBelgium again, where do you think BelgiumBelgium can end this NC?

- That's a difficult question for me since I'm not following the scene as I should be. But I think a top 3 spot is possible. We have a pretty strong lineup which should be able to handle most of the opponents. I think that the real problems will come from teams such as Finland and Poland. Besides that, I don't like to admit it, but a lot depends on the fact if mAus is available for the top games.

4) Are you going to CiC7? If yes, with which team are you going and what are your goals?

- For a brief moment there were talks about EDIT going, but some players had motivational problems. I had some talks with the better teams as well but since I wasn't up to my old skill-level yet nothing worked out. Eventually Oceans6 took me, our lineup consists of Raslov Karre Grim David and me ( Kuraigu is managing us). We are mainly going to have a good time, performing in a decent way is only our (or my) second objective. Personally I'm looking forward to meeting Kuraigu and Sai and some other I'm forgetting at the moment.

5) There has been a major request by the community, for an airstrike guide by you, any plans on making it?

- No, and no, not even for BelgiumJere.

6) How do you look back on your ET career, what were your best moments?

- I have no specials feeling or thoughts regarding my et-career. I'm somehow surprised that I got up to the highest level because I don't excel in anything particular, I'm more an all round type of player. One of the things I will probably never forget is how the main crowd always forms an opinion about people in the higher circuit, and how they're always wrong.
For example, Clown is one of the most underrated players I've ever seen. We don't really like each other but I still notice how he gets flamed a lot while he is probably the most important player in Rockit. On the other hand there are some fragmachines out there of whom people think the world of while they are pretty much useless for their own team.

- And about the best moments in my career: Well, I've had a lot of fun with EDiT ( obviously ), and although they became really good friend of mine they don't stand out. The most fun team I've ever been in was one4one ( Sheep Iron Lepari Squall Danone Vegi Pliss and me). The atmosphere in that team was amazing and every prac was like watching standup comedy.

- Other moments that are worth mentioning are: Going to LAN with team <[o]> and EDiT, playing in team Western Europe alongside Butchji Tekoa Aza Sheep and mAus. Although the games were very boring I kind of felt honored to be allowed to play alongside them. Winning the (unofficial) Nationscup was also great, and last but not least, competing against the very best during a couple of years was also awesome.

Some quick questions now

Best player of all time?

- EstoniaNight

Best team of all time?

- Finlandparodia

You worst moment on ET?

- GermanyDrago's panzer

5on5 or 6on6?

- 5on5

Favorite teammate of all time?

- United KingdomSheep

If you could change one thing in ET, what would it be?

- wolfrof (rate of fire); (or the mines, remove them)

Best moment in your life (yes, the real one)?

- Starting a relationship during I Love Techno while The Bloody Beetroots were playing one of my favorite songs ( Cornelius ).

this part is obviously made up, as if Kevin ever had a relationship


Belgium Acid Vila Lio Zeto Mesq Snot Ziff Dnzl Sai Guest Worm Spiroze Frats Jorke Logic Miss_Epic(!) Jere Anaconda Raslov Karre Gr1m
Netherlands Eddo
Finland Lepari Iron Squall Tursku Tunesa Reikkeri Crew Dable
United Kingdom Sheep
Switzerland Vegi, Dabster, Rapt6rrr, Reaver
Germany Kuraigu

image: kevinw

Thanks for the interview, gl at CiC7 and in the NC