image: kadirrr
[center]Left one on the picture[/center]
Hello dear crossfire community, i decided to make an interview yesterday with Turkey sHaKy.I picked him because he is skilled,known and he is shining like a star these days.He is playing for Netherlands Team DreaM & Turkey Team Turkey.His team managed to beat Belgium Team OVERLOAd in the qualifiers and they are in EC,which was not expected by most of the community. Now i present you the interview.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself?
A: Hello my name is Kadir "sHaKy" Baba i'm 18 years old.I am Turkish but I live in The Netherlands.I've started playing ET when it came out. When I first started to play ETPro,I always played @ Dp0w public and sjappie servers.I met Efax in dp0w server, he taught me alot of things back then and we started to play some 3o3's together.

Q: Could you tell us about your career in ET? Which clans did you play for and which events did you attend and what have you achieved so far?
A: Well i never played ET so actively,I just played some 3o3's most of the time with ovie,overschie,parra and motif.I played on BiO at CDC 3, CC5, CC6 and CiC7.I just went to LAN events for fun to meet some nice people again :)) and to "LANPROOF" myself since I've been accused alot for cheating.

Q: Few days ago you managed to beat Belgium Team OVERLOAd with your new team Netherlands Team DreaM and you guys made it to EC in your first year. How does it feel and are you happy with the current status of the team's performance?
A: Yes we played well yesterday, we kept the motivation to defeat them and we didnt give up. There were a lot of teams which kept whining on us that why Clanbase gave us an EC qualifier so we had to proof that we deserved it and after the match I think we did. It's nice to participate in EC, a lot of great teams signed up this season. And im very happy about my team :))

Q: What is your best ET moment?
A: When we defeated overload since i was a really big fan of mAus back in the days and now we've defeated them in an EC Qualifier match.

Q: Whats your plans for future in ET?
A: I want to go on with my current team DreaM since we're doing well.

Q: Me and you are turkish and its really rare in ET.What do u think about this situation, ET is better without turks or would it be better with a turkish ET community?
A: I am kinda happy like this,we don't need a turkish ET community. Most of the turkish players are playing either cod4 or CS:S and they are mostly cheaters or retards, ET is great like this :)

Q: For the last question I heard that you have a kebab restaurant in The Netherlands. I learned from very secret resources that you are feeding your teammates with kebab before all important matches, is that the secret tactic that you guys are hiding?
A: Yes i feed all my teammates with kebab and often with some damn nice pizza's. Since i know motif for a long time i sponsored him a new etbot too.

Q: Do you want to add anything?
A: Yes I would like to shoutout #DreaM,,FiF,ddealers,,#Team-Turkey
ah and of course to Belgium vila :D :D :D

Q: Best Team?
A: Finland fintastic five

Q: Best Player?
A: still Belgium mAus

Q: Best E-Buddy?
A: Netherlands MOTiF <3 & Turkey TanQ <3

Q: 5on5 or 6on6?
A: 5on5 > 6on6 !!