
This user does not have any flags assigned.


Past teams
Europe miAmi
Poland johNny
Netherlands Jesse
Norway snuble
Estonia Sinnu
Germany Kevji
Germany predi

Europe dEV LAN
Poland johNny
Poland Kirej
Poland Estaloth
Poland Woozie
France Tomoyo
Norway Domi

Europe miAmi
Poland johNny
Poland wssquad
Netherlands Jesse
Netherlands Fro
Netherlands rAtte
Netherlands dEzz
United States of America azuKi
Sweden nordaN
Sweden alexL
Sweden crajsor
Finland GrB
Finland Oldensan
Finland repje
Finland Metsuri
Finland amgg
Finland peehoo
Finland riZla
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom Fishtank
United Kingdom owzo
United Kingdom Scarzy
United Kingdom Jinosta
Norway Domi
Norway moldu
Belgium xAee
Belgium vyPer
Germany eujen
Germany slaz
Germany ScaTmaN
France Dudinsky
France okko tamasuki
Slovenia squAze

Europe exitium
Poland johNny
Netherlands pds
Netherlands Infernal
Germany violy
Germany eujen
Germany juelz
Iceland phyzic
United Kingdom Jinosta
United Kingdom sqzz
& many others!

Austria cdap.defect
Poland johNny
Poland inEslKk
Poland FrG
Finland Spirea
Russia 4live
Germany prescott

Europe dark&beyond
Poland johNny
Netherlands juA
Germany ScatMaN
Germany violy
Belgium favour
Belgium .X.
Belgium esco
Finland Metsuri

Europe greedy
Poland johNny
Poland sinuss
Netherlands Jesse
Netherlands Fro
Germany sabio
Canada monkey

Germany sIN gaming
Poland johNny
Poland evokz
Poland hitsu
Norway moldu
Germany meNtal
United Kingdom emortal

Hungary overdose
Poland johNny
Hungary Trevize
Finland mAna
Israel paLa
United Kingdom Skydeh
Croatia DefCut
Sweden nordaN

Netherlands Gearfrag
Poland johNny
Netherlands pds
Netherlands Infernal
Netherlands aSe
Netherlands sonny

Poland musCae
Poland johNny
Poland grzywa
Poland Puchacz
Poland Jachac
Poland loslobos
Poland Endarked
Poland kUban
Poland Libra
Poland Hitman
+ many others


Been there done that
CPU>.< sad panda
Motherboard>.< sad panda
Memory>.< sad panda
Storage>.< sad panda
Graphics>.< sad panda
Sound>.< sad panda
Operating System>.< sad panda
Monitor>.< sad panda
Keyboard>.< sad panda
Mouse>.< sad panda
Mousepad>.< sad panda
Headset>.< sad panda
Connection>.< sad panda