image: 386514HMP2024One new face of our newly-reformed Enemy Territory team is the Dutchman Netherlandsabort, who has played with some of our ET guys in the former H2K lineup. Because he wasn't active in the past since the mixxed team of EuropeJungleBrothers at the Crossfire Intel Challenge 7, Germanydestii and Germanyshmoe took the time to ask him about his private as well as his thoughts about the game itself and the upcoming AEF event. Have fun reading!

Hey abort. For those who have never heard of you, give them a short introduction of your person please.

Hi. My name is Jorryt, I'm 21 years old and I live in The Netherlands. My main interests go out to playing/listening music, computer science and games. I have played ET for quite a while now and have played with most players of the current lineup before. As I enjoy lans alot; here I am, giving it another go =).

May I ask how you picked your nickname "abort"?

Well okay. When I started playing ET, my girlfriend was receiving a child from me, which we of course chose to abort... (she was 13 back then). That was a big shock to me and a part of my life I'll never forget.. hence the name "abort" :-/

You're kidding right?

Yes, actually it's something irc related :D.

Haha, okay xD. So you haven't played actively in the past. How come?

I used to play the game way more active. I always tend to play ET on and off as I enjoy loads of other games as well (e.g. the Quake series, Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Counter-Strike Source). I also think Et starts to lack dynamics (as in new maps or mod features). Other reasons are playing music and university.

What was your last team you played active in?

The last team I played with on a serious matter was Junglebrothers for CiC7. Later on I started playing with some friends and we ended up in a non serious team called frozenfingers, where we also played different games like CSS. I suppose you could call Junglebrothers the last active and serious team I played in.

Did you had to think a lot about joining this team and playing active again or has it been an easy decision for you?

I had to think about it a lot, because at the point I was going through making a decision I enjoyed playing with other people (that also play other games and are also great talk to and share interests with). Another thing is that I have the feeling music is getting more important for me over time, so I am spending a lot of time playing guitar. I came to this decision as the people I was playing with (and will continue playing with after) were stimulating me to go to the lan. That in combination with just a few weeks of prac and helping out my old buddies made me cross the line.

So nice to have you here buddy. How's the atmosphere inside the team? Will you be able to brave teams like Dignitas or Impact?

The atmosphere is quite good, which is something I already expected, because of previous times. Because of the good atmosphere, the experience as individuals (and teamplay wise), I think we have a good chance against those teams. Adapting to 5on5 since last lan has actually brought a bit of those previously mentioned dynamics (and chances for us) into the game. So I guess we can suprise quite well.

Lets get a litte nostalgic. Which teams impressed you the most, when you started playing the game?

The teams that impressed me back in the day were especially mythology and saevus as they had a nice combination of players (and were often exciting to watch). I actually never tended to look up to any other player or team as I just prefer to work my own way up. Spending time on watching others seems better spend on practicing myself.

What do you think about ET and its community? How will the future most likely be like?

I think ET is getting boring as the maps don't change and competetive mods don't get developed anymore. I don't really like the community, because free games come with kids. I don't think ET has much future if there won't be any new competetive maps, mod improvements or most importantly a new anti-cheat.

AEF Top3 prediction?

1. Dignitas, 2. Team Rockit (yes I am optimistic), 3. Impact Gaming

Sounds good! And now some little questions. What's your favorite..


Chinese! image: bkzi4drh3a7b9j4rn


Coffee and mineral water!


Metalcore and Melodic Death Metal!

Windows or Mac?

Mac of course

Egg or bird?

Egg, it's the only thing I would eat out of the two

Any shoutouts?

Shoutouts to a few individuals in particular (they know why themselves): iiky, renenl, jack, stevji, rorschach, dictator, zerb and ofcourse everyone I played with or/and had great conversations with on lans.


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