Today I would like to invite you to read an interview I made with United Kingdom The Last Resort's engineer, man known for his LAN bar performances and being not so light weighted. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you United KingdomR0SS.

Hello R0SS, why don't you tell us a bit about your non-gaming self first?

Well for those that don't know me my real name is Ross Gracie, I'm 20 and currently I'm employed as an electrical engineer. I really enjoy my job but the hours vary from days/nights depending on what I have to do! I have been playing ET for around 5/6 years and attended every lan since CDC4. Currently a lot of my friends are turning 21, so got an eventful year ahead of me!

And how did you find out about ET? Any special story connected with it?

Well my parents bought me my first computer when I was 13, was kind of a special birthday, so they bought me some overpriced shit PC. My dad came into contact with a computer genius at work who gave him/me some free anti virus cds etc. He also gave me a CD with the ET download on it. I gave it a try and played it on and off every weekend until the point where I wanted to play it competitively, which is when I joined EU - managed by PolandHomer. I will never forget the trickjump days of 999
and pubbing days of SMP though.

And back then did you know that one day you will be playing among some of the ET's finest players in one of the best gamings in e-sports world?

Well looking back on it, at that time I only used to play on xp save servers, trying to get general rank. But knowing my personality, I'm very competitive in everything, whether it be dominos or ET I can't stand losing and I strive to be the best. I guess that's why I still play, it would be great to win some tournaments with TLR.

Speaking of tournaments, you already mentioned some LAN events that you attended. Which one was your favourite and why?

The social aspect and general enjoyment has to be the first lan I attended with unKind back at CDC4. We had a decent team, but the stories I can tell from that lan still make me laugh today. I think the "flaming dragon" was when I first got noticed by the scene, which isn't always a great thing. Celsus was also a great team, the polaks made the event really enjoyable. It was however, looking back it it now, the last lan I would play and attend with United Kingdomw3st (love you). The polish guys were great company and great players too. This Impact team now has a great chemistry. We all enjoy ourselves on vent and at lans, which makes a great combination with serious gaming and enjoyment. Its hard to find that in a top team, but it's something we have. It was a major reason why we added M1lk, we didn't want any serious gamers who couldn't enjoy themself.

Many CF users flame you and would like to see you out of Impact because you don't match there (in their opinion). What would
you like to tell them?

There isn't much to tell them. People are entitled to their opinion and I can't fault them for that. There is always someone in the team that viewers/spectators think shouldn't be there. I do a job in Impact that results in me not getting credit from the spectators. Exactly what LatviaClown used to do, in game lead and do the crap engi jobs. I don't mind, as long as the team is happy with my performances and we are winning.

Is there anything you regret, looking back at your gaming career?

There is always something you regret. Mainly the backstabbing I have been accused of. The BelgiumJere incident was something that should never have happened, but I wasn't the sole person to blame. This isn't a sob story it's just the truth. Everyone in that team agreed to do what we did but then certain people backed out after they saw the flame from the community. I apolgised to BelgiumJere numerous times, fortunately he was willing to forgive and forget. Apart from that there are only minor things you regret but just move on from. I always apologise to those that I dont mean to piss off or go a little bit too far with. There are certain people in this community that don't deserve an apology.

And do you personally hold grudge against any player for what he/she did to you?

Not really, there isn't anyone I would go on topic saying I hated or had a grudge against. There are people I dislike but there is always a chance to make peace as such. Some people just don't share the same views as me vice versa, so you will always clash.

Who was the best player you've ever played with in ET?

That is a hard one to say. I couldn't single out a player as it would be false. I can break it up into categories though and believe it or not it would be the whole Impact team. Best medic has to be United Kingdomsqzz, aimer would be BelgiummAus, rifle would be ItalyXylos. Best in game leader I have played with would be Maltatoxic. Best player I never got the chance to play with would obviously be EstoniaNight.

Do you think ET has a chance to be around for a long time or we're close to the end?

With the events that are going to be taking place around the corner, it seems that ET is still on the up after all of these years. New and new tournaments and organisations are chipping in too, zowie, full tilt poker etc. It doesn't however help when you get numerous players who keep striving to get 6on6 back into competition. I agree that it is enjoyable and I would be in favour of a 6on6 NC and summercups, but nothing past that. It's a proven fact that 6on6 lans don't work and it would destroy the competitive scene.

And how can an average ET player like myself help to keep ET alive?

Contribute, contribute, contribute. Tournaments keeping competition alive are always a plus. Columns, articles etc on crossfire are always a plus even if people shoot you down. Anyone in the community can help keep ET alive, they just need to be willing, motivated and "professional". Lans always need extra admins which always helps.

That is a message for all of you out there. Thank you for your time R0SS. Now is your 1 minute to give shoutouts.

Thanks for the interview. Shoutout obviously to all of the Impact players,United KingdomeVo and Maltatoxic. TLR and their sponsors, ScotlandSeanza and United KingdomChef who made the partnership possible. To the people who have always supported me, especially Finlandhukk and Scotlandkevlar. Also big shoutout to team United Kingdom players x

United KingdomR0SS @ party mode
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