Hello WalessqZz, why don't you tell us a bit about your non-gaming self first? Well in the meantime when I'm not playing ET, I play all sports with some of my mates and have a good drink and get hammerd, don't do much else because its boring :)

Who are you in real life?
I live in WalesWales, I'm 20 years of age, and at the moment I'm on the dole getting free money cause its a piss take in trying to get a job :p
image: U2mfp
On the left WalessqZz and on the right United Kingdomrazz

How did you end up with the name sqZz?
When I first started playing RTCW it was with my dad, was in a clan with him and we all had pet names, his name was Ratty etc so I picked squirrel as I was young and thought it was a cool name, then it went to squizz then it went to sqZz, simple as that.

For how long have you been playing FPS and when/how did you start playing ET?I first started playing RTCW when I was 10-11ish but not competitively, It was just for fun but then it came more of a serious side of it and played ET as soon as it came out

How did you get into the competive side of ET?
As I said above I used to play with the dad then he quit then played with some old teams like wDw and stuff and got recognised which got asked to play in teams like polar/one4one etc, the good old days ;)

Any teams/players you looked up to when you just started ET?
To be honest I have never looked up to anyone comming through my ET career, not to sound big headed but I learnt everything my own way along with my old man at a young age.

How did you reach the top of ET, any particulair players that helped you out?
When I first started playing ET on publics/wars/random 3o3’s I had a message of United KingdomTosspoT asking me to play for the United KingdomUK, I was 11 then and I remember jumping around like a right numptey but yeah, I would say most of it came from United KingdomTosspoT as thats when I started playin on ETTV, and it all went from there really.

You are famous for your movement and so with that your legendary revives and flagcaps. How did you get this playstyle and what’s the secret to your movement? Prehaps some tips for the newbs.
I have had people comming up to me and saying “teach me how to strafe” it's quite impossible to teach someone how to do it, but basically I crouch in mid air, it stops your stamina saving your stamina for the next strafe.

Do or did you practise any flag cap or doc run?
I have never practised doc runs etc. I dont see the point in doing it cause when u got 5-6 people shooting at you its not the same when ur your own server :D, suppose it just came from playing the game so long and it was something I did in nearly every war I played.

Who are the best players you ever played with and do you see upcoming talents?
Well I can pick a few players like WalessyK,United Kingdommztik,United Kingdomrazz basically all the one4one players and now I'm playing for Anexis they are all amazing players. ET is hard to jugde now about up comming tallents because anything can happen nowadays, their are alot of players that got great aim like Icelandphyzic,Swedennuggan,Germanykiwi and GermanykReSti

Any players you have always wanted to play with but never had the chance to?
Erm nope, I never was really botherd about it at first but when i started playing 3o3’s with United Kingdomrazz etc. and we formed a lineup at one4one, I knew thats where I wanted to be, had some good times.

Are there any other games you play or used to play?
I have only now just started to play Call of Duty 4 as United KingdomR0SS,the legend, bought me as a gift on steam :D, but other than that it has always been RTCW/ET.

How do you look back on the ET year 2011?
It has been a great year and good fun, I attended LAN with the Anexis boys was a good laugh, even tho I thought I was gonna mess the final up as all the boys went back to the hotel and I stayed out and was like “ ye I won't be late man “ strolling in the hotel about 6 in the morning and had my final the next day. anyway didn't matter cause I was sick about 20 times before it which made me feel alot better :D

What do you expect in 2012 for ET?
Hopefully the same as this year and maybe get more competitions going and see what happens. maybe get more LANs with more money to win, might bring the old schoolers back to play ;p

Do you or are you planning on playing other games competively aswell?
Playing COD4 quite alot at the moment but until et is actually dead, that would probs be the only game I did go to play competitive.

And some short questions at the end:
Most underrated player?
United KingdomR0SS
Most overrated player?
United KingdomRazz, don’t know why people rate him for, hes pretty shit. ( nah oj i dont really know its abit of a tough question :p )
Best fieldops you got a chance to play with?
Netherlandshayaa/United Kingdomrazz
Best rifle you fighted alongside with?
Greatest engi SMG?

Most object minded player you played with?
It's a difficult question just to answer as that one person. but United KingdomR0SS/EstoniaNait/United KingdomKamz.

Thanks for your time WalessqZz, do you want to give any shoutouts?
like to give a shoutout to all the United Kingdomet.uk lads, all the Anexis boys and a special shoutout for my fatboy jimmyUnited KingdomR0SS, hes a great lad and an awsome guy to play with.