image: etivew

The "Getting to know the game...r" series is going strong and continues with Icelandphyzic!

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Who are you in real life?

Well, my name is Örvar Samuelsson and I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on the 4th of May (mAus shares the same birthday, coincidence?) and I live in Iceland. I'm just a regular guy, my hobbies are golf, hitting the gym and being with my girlfriend for almost 5 years now. Currently I'm not working but I'll start work in less than a month.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Happend on the golf course a few years ago when I was playing against the best player from Iceland in a matchplay competition and I was doing quite well until I hit my 2nd shot to the 18th hole. It was a bad shot so I kinda lost my temper and broke my 7 iron on my left thigh and when I looked up the cameraman and my coaches along side the icelandic national coach where watching it- nothing I wanted them to see.

Another embarrassing moment was like 7 years ago when I was warming up for a handball game and we were running backwards when I fell and landed on my hand and broke my wrist. There were alot of spectators and everyone started laughing and I had to laugh to cover up the fact that my wrist was shattered. And the worst part was that I had to play the whole game in alot of pain so my mates wouldn't know I broke my wrist in such a stupid way :D

How and when did ET start for you?

I started playing ET looong time ago probably around 7 years. I saw one of my mates playing it and decided to download it, haven't looked back since.

How did you make the step into the competitive side of ET?

Well, I've been called a hacker/cheater for many years while playing this awesome game, so I've probably spent most of my time playing 3o3's, which was fun, but I guess I joined the competitive scene when Artstar got me into his 5o5 team. After that some of the top level guys saw me playing and decided to pick me up.

Are there any moments or situations which will stay in your mind forever?

hahaha all the super retarded things BoNg said on vent/teamspeak, just thinking about it makes me giggle. Lately all the shit realize comes up with (he thinks he is the son of zeus and the best player who ever played the game) and ofcourse playing with my american mates (I shit you not niggers playing et is one of the most hilarious things i know of)

You're considered as a strong aimer and even placed 3rd in the Crossfire Awards. Can you give the newer players some tips for improving?

Try to stay with the same settings, sensitivity, mouse rate and stuff like that and go on ettv and watch old demos of mAus, butchji and reload thats how I learned. And nerding alot ofcourse.

How do you see the current and the future status of ET?

The current state is actually not looking as bad as some may think. We have had a very nice Nations Cup with some exciting matches, EC and BfB2 are starting soon and than ofcourse the Adroit LAN in June so I'd say good days are still to come. And this game is just that amazing, people can't stop playing it. (hello razz)

In which upcoming competitions are you gonna participate? What are your expectations?

I'll play the Eurocup and BfB2 with queens, but mostly as a backup since I always go inactive during the summer because of my golf. My expectations are just to have fun and enjoy the game.

What makes you still want to play Enemy Territory?

ITS AMAZING! Nothing more to add.

The nations cup is still rolling. Who will win it?

I actually voted for Finland in the crossfire poll, but I think UK are gonna take home the gold.
They want it more than most of the other teams and are praccing regulary and have a very even and solid lineup.


Favourite movie? Lord of war.

Favourite song? Changes quite often, just what I listen to when I'm in the gym, mostly rap. this one's been awesome for quite a while now.

Favourite quote?

Quote by boNg man i dont get why my balls are smelling so bad i only showered like 2 months ago

Quotemind : what is the first thing that comes to your head when i say africa?
razz: bob marley

Most underrated player?

United Kingdom R0SS

Most overrated player?

United Kingdom razZ

Best 6on6 Lineup?

-United Kingdom R0SS
-United Kingdom sqZz
-Italy XyLoS
-Estonia Night
-Finland Squall
-Belgium mAus

Thanks for taking the time to answer! Any shoutouts?

Just to everyone who I've played with and who made this game fun to play for that long. (too many names to type down)