With 3000 Euros up for grabs for me the top 3 teams are fairly easy to spot, however to pick a winner from them is a bit harder with results between the teams not really setting anyone apart.
Teams & Rosters [flag=nl KomaCrew]
i33 is upon us with many top teams from around the world attending in not only Counter-Strike but also Call of Duty 4. With one of the largest prize funds to date for the game there is a top place 6000 Euros up for grabs so the pressure will be on.
QuadV will be running a dedicated stream for Call of Duty 4 throughout the event on TV2 with Deman, TosspoT, Joe and Jay.
So to bring you all up-to-date here are a few of our predictions.
Finally we arrive at I34 after two long weekends at the Antwerp eSports Festival and The eXperience in Denmark. It has been an great trip for myself and the teams attending with everyone getting to know each other and several nights partying or joking around in the hot sun we were lucky enough to have.