
In an effort to revive the Articles section here on Crossfire (and maybe inspire others to do the same), I'm conducting a short series of interviews with some known - and not-so-known - ET players and admins.

My third interviewee has been contributing as an admin for several years now. He founded gentleMen eSports and is currently the manager of the DoubleDutchDragons ET team formerly known as back2kill.


In an effort to revive the Articles section here on Crossfire (and maybe inspire others to do the same), I'm conducting a short series of interviews with some known - and not-so-known - ET players and admins.

My second interviewee is not only the leader of a top 3on3 & 6on6 team but also has some of the best movement skills around. He's a nice guy and one of my favorite players to watch on ETTV nowadays.

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In an effort to revive the Articles section here on Crossfire (and maybe inspire others to do the same), I'm conducting a short series of interviews with some known - and not-so-known - ET players and admins.

My first interviewee has made a name for himself on this website with his popular "survey" journals and colorful profile page. He's one of my favorite people to play with and least favorite people to play against.


My first ever interview! I recently managed to catch up with Aniky, the new ClanBase ET Cup Supervisor, and got him to answer a few questions. Enjoy!