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Special Delivery TE b1

We hereby release the public beta1 of Special Delivery TE and you find all the information needed on the following pages.

EuroCup Incoming!

The prize has been set, the challenges has been casted and the teams are formed. Let the games begin!
Tomorrow we will see the start of the all-grand-ET-festival, the EuroCup XVII!

EuroCup previews

Enemy Territory EuroCup Spring 2008

With some expected and some controversial decisions and of course the usual whine, the ET EuroCup invitations have been anncounced.

Some so called oldschool teams and players have been returning to the scene in the last weeks in anticipation, and I think I am not alone when i say this is going to be a really exiting EuroCup!

ET vs. CoD4 vs. ET:QW

Good morning everybody,

My first article will be about the three dominating games on the page here. Namely "Enemy Territory" , "Call of Duty 4 " and "Enemy Territory:Quake Wars"!

First of all I want to say that I will be telling about every game from my point of view, but I will as well compare the current signups of the OC/EC Season and the number of Cup and Lans.

Cybernations anyone?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's a historical day. As I write this, there are 16669 members, of which 630 online. This number is quite big, but not too strange since we're still full in the aftermath of CDC4, and people always want to be where the action is. However, CDC4 and enormous member counts is NOT what I want to talk about. I'm here to say that, in life (or more accurately, no-life), there is more than ET. Yes, I am talking sense. There is more than CoD4. Again, I'm talking sense.

Crossfire Spectators at CDC

On this article u can find the stories about players who played at the CDC4 or who spectated CDC4, I don't want to be responsible for any kind of trauma's u can get by reading this.

ET: The Grand Final is Next!

Enemy Territory Final

New Project will face The Last Resort in not more then one hour. It is the most important event coming for most of our readers and it will definitly will be a very entertaining Grand Final.

Ever came up here? SK and Fnatic did!

Yo Crossfire Lads, QuadV fans and all those eSport addicted fans out there. This is the moment you have been waiting all day for. SK Gaming and Fnatic are going to meet each other in the group stage of this so long delayed, Call of Duty tournament soon.

CDC4 Admin Blog

At most Crossfire LAN events in the past we have run a live update of whatever updates, notes and thoughts the admins on site want to put down and (until people get bored or forget to update it) this has generally been a popular feature.

Ze mighty danes!

The Kingdom of Denmark also commonly known as Denmark, is a nation situated in Scandinavia. Trough out the years Denmark was and still is one of the most known eSport countries. Some of the biggest moments was when the mighty danish clan Titans won ESWC or when Team NoA ended up second last years ESWC, but also last years Quakecon where not to mention 3 danes won the cup with their team Dignitas.
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