image: logo_bundesliga image: dfb-logo image: kicker

Season 2007/2008 Final standings::

Place (winter break)/Teamname/Managername/XfireNick/Money spent/Points/

1.(1) HUSOGANG / Germany Michael L / ? / 57,44 /871
2.(5) Bavarian Style / Germany Seb. Wieland / Freak187 / 58,96 Mio./ 859
3.(7) RedBulls / Germany Wolfgang Fink / ? / 55,92Mio. / 858
4. (3) Plüschsegelgang / Germany Mario Finke / Graf Zahl / 58,40 / 743
5. (8) Team-cdap / Turkey Deniz Demirsar / ? / 60,22Mio. 733
6. (9) MS-Team / Germany Michael Streil / none / 63,73Mio. 732
7. (6) I like turtles! / Germany Harald Hanselmann / ? / 61,82Mio. / 730
8. (4) High FiDelity / Germany Christian Schwarz / FaTTony / 61,62 Mio. / 698
9. (2) Team BETA / Germany Hauke S. / pumu / 58,40 / 677
10. (13) TuS Traunreut 585
10.-17. bolzplatz ost , SKANDAL! , Schwarze Bande , TV-Stars.INC , saftlade , shmoe sein team

place 5546 out of 12446 leagues

EC Final standings::
Michael Streil

invites for saeson 08 / 09:
toNy, pumu, frk187, Michael L, Mario finke, Michael Streil, Harald Hanselmann, Deniz Demirsar

next season we´ll start with max 10 members, so noone needs to chose crappy players!

invites 2008:
Contact information, #kicker-Liga

Members (4)