image: nl Crossfire Devoti Challange 4

image: orangearrow image: at Scorch ex-clans ~ MyLegend, Plasa, Ultima-Ratio, Team Austria
image: orangearrow image: at jaN ex-clans ~ Highbot, MyLegend, Plasa, Team Austria
image: orangearrow image: it Vegt4 ex-clans ~ disq, Plasa
image: orangearrow image: gr Krest ex-clans ~ 3rambos, vagrants, cdap-black, kts
image: orangearrow image: de scOw (he sry for the problems he made)
image: orangearrow image: se stownage ex-clans ~ cdap-black, kts, PMCG

image: de CoF 4:0 image: cz BoS

got kicked out of the LAN couse of cheater-suspicion

image: nl Crossfire Devoti Challange 3

image: orangearrow image: at Scorch ex-clans ~ MyLegend, Plasa,Ultima-Ratio, Team Austria
image: orangearrow image: at jaN ex-clans ~ Highbot, MyLegend, Plasa, Team Austria
image: orangearrow image: nl toni ex-clans ~ 4evol, disq
image: orangearrow image: gr Krest ex-clans ~ 3rambos, vagrants, cdap-black, kts
image: orangearrow image: nl kruml ex-clans ~ k9, one.soldier
image: orangearrow image: se stownage ex-clans ~ cdap-black, kts, PMCG, Vagrants

image: de CoF 4:2 image: de GaB (9 am)
image: de CoF 4:2 image: nl SND
image: de CoF 4:0 image: eu HARD

image: de CoF 0:4 image: de GMPO (no drivers)
image: de CoF 0:4 image: nl Kreaturen
image: de CoF 2:4 image: fr muse (10 am)
image: de CoF 2:4 image: gs =118=(7 sec)
chill on fire
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