LoL we played EC!
1day-cup v6 (with pi!)
pre-EC ET-Cup
GamersNation Cup
Benelux 3v3 ladder
Benelux 3v3 Cup
CB OC 3v3 second league
CB OC 6v6 sixth league
DGL 6v6 ladder
DGL 3v3 ladder

02(vai-Zodiac02) can I get added to the mQ clan at crossfire then? =O Im friend of both Lakaii and Confo..
02(Wesbo02) Why do you want to be added really
02(vai-Zodiac02) because I want ppl to see that im serious about my skill, and not just a wnb
02(vai-Zodiac02) and also confo and lakaii are there

Sent by Zodiac on Sunday 15th July 2007, 05:14

Why do you got that quote in "morrigu"-clan?
Its not like its funny or smth <.<

Can you please remove it? =D
I look like a retard there
Contact information, #morrigu