We had 12 great months together in 2005 and later in 2006 after our return. I'm sure none of us will forget those times! We started under medium skill, and although we could never reach our main goal, we finished on the highest level...

A lot of practice, a lot of fun, lots of moments we never forget...

Main results (chronological)
#1 warleagues 6on6 Stopwatch ladder
#1 ClanBase Enemy Territory Stopwatch Europe ladder
#1 ClanBase Enemy Territory Stopwatch SummerCup Division Two
#1 ESL Summer Cup - Enemy Territory 6on6 Tourney 2005
#1 toFOUR Enemy Territory Cup Group C
played in ClanBase EuroCup XIII and warleagues Season V & VI Premier

Memorable wars
http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?wid=4808030&lid=2210 (jafo, jauhis, mystic, saintt, raveneye, xpaz)
http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?wid=5553704&lid=2574 (ati, aza, fost, nevari, sexyhot, shy)
http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?wid=5526835&lid=2574 (butchji, erni, hatred, keran, licid, pumu)
http://clanbase.ggl.com/news_league.php?wid=4757298&lid=2141 (act, clown, diablo, fuzz, slaw, wrobel)
Contact information

http://underscore.gamerer.com, #und.et