image: uniqueetqs0

Current at Crossfire Devotti Challenge (Qualified):

image: gb uniQue&bulldog
image: de uniQue&haZer ( ex: GMPO )
image: de uniQue&roYal( ex: SPRD )
image: at uniQue&beasty ( ex: SPRD )
image: ru uniQue&pulZa ( ex: SPRD )
image: nl uniQue&twinzzy ( ex: pstarZ )
image: it uniQue&dio( ex: eC4 )

First Line:

image: se uniQue&Nils ( ex: Team SWE )
image: se uniQue&Kittos( ex: TEAM Swe )
image: nl uniQue&overboost ( ex: one4one )
image: pl uniQue&God ( ex: Stazi )
image: nl uniQue&twinzzy ( ex: pstarZ )
image: ee uniQue&ZeD( ex: A+R )

Attending LANS:

image: nl Crossfire Devotti Challenge 4
image: nl Limburg LAN 2nd Edition.
image: de Enlarged

Awards From Team Unique

The following awards are from the Multigaming, this means that they got won by multiple teams

09.01.2008 CDC4 Invite after Qualifiers ; Enemy Territory
21.07.2007 Crontex Cup. ; Call Of Duty 2
20.09.2007 Devotti Game Idol ; Call Of Duty 2
29.10.2007 D2T LAN ; Call Of Duty 2
30.10.2007 ND - cup 3 ; Enemy Territory
30.10.2007 Retrocup ; Enemy Territory
21.11.2007 Eurocup XVI ; Call Of Duty 2
Contact information, #teamunique'

Members (1)