ET ladder 6on6 UK
won against ˝EC˝ teams:
- Negative Image @ OpenCup Premiere League
- noll8 @ ET-cup
- Azure Fate with winghaven
- etc... HARDCORE

ins has become a legend

on3md is/was thee best leader in tha wurld !!!

Juize has been voted best handgunplayer in ET history!

Juize likes to walk the cat.
Juize has his own jumpercabels.
Juize likes to cook shoarma.
Juize once kicked against a basketball.
Juize listens to white noise.
Juize dodged a bowlingbal.
Juize has 19 sweaters and 2 pair of socks.
Juize once lived in the Bijlmer.
Juize likes to hug trees.
Juize tried to walk on water.
Juize got an axe for his 6th birthday.
Juize invented the steak.
Juize read a book in 2 days.
Juize has been sentenced for reckless driving.
Juize never gets addicted.
Juize can smoke all he wants.
Juize never eats fastfood.
Juize likes his beard very much.
Juize still hasn't showered for over 3 years now.
Juize is famous in The Netherlands.
Juize traveled to Iran for driving lessons.
Juize always gets up at 07.00 am.
Juize is 1/28 German.
Juize never gets nervous.
Juize only lives on Red Bull.
Juize has 31 cats.
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