Poland dmgbot :. beAsty Austria
Poland lagbot :. aphesia Netherlands
Poland aimbot :. deAdly Austria
Poland bimbot :. dialer Poland

Some infos to buy our nice bots:
The dmgbot mostly does the highest damage each round. It doesn´t cares about accuracy & headshots.. its just playing with an unbelievable experience and tricky skill to do alot of damage.
Price: 150$
Requirements: You have to be a sexy beachboy & EC skill

The lagbot gives u a nice ping while you are very unhittable. You are warping over the enemys screen and if they are still able to touch you with their crosshair they won´t hit anything. This gives u the chance to get uberstats and own like hell
Price: 150$
Requirements: You have to be a virgin hero & NC-Skill

The aimbot is the most known bot. You press a mouse-button and start to aim on the enemys head or body. A well known aimbot producer is Anonymous netCoders. But i can only recommend them to you if you like to have the same bot as some Poland randoms.
Price: 150$
Requirements: You have to be a 80kg bodybuilder & oldschooler

Bimbot is the polish version of ETbot. It has the same options as ETbot - aimbot/wh.
and ofc its humanized aswell. But since this bot is polish it will be always suspicious. In any way.
This bot is surely not overrated, since this bot can give hs like a dmg bot and it has a unhittability possibility aswell.
Priec: 150$

Nothing cause we suck too much against these Poland random hackers
Contact information

http://www.google.at.nl.at, #bot.et

Members (3)