image: 4kjudx
image: 2lkcoxd

03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: dude try not to wall hack
03:01… M1lk`i: go manage a bit
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: GV have had screenshots
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: and know about it..
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: soo thanks
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: lol
03:01… M1lk`i: who are gv
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: game violtaions
03:01… syntaX-Kevlar: PB SS assesors lol..
03:02… M1lk`i: cool man can i see the screenies
03:02… syntaX-Kevlar: we sent 4 off and they said he wall hacks and looking in to a ban..
03:02… syntaX-Kevlar: so yea gg have fun
03:02… M1lk`i: awesome man
03:02… M1lk`i: couldnt it be that youre just a manager and not much of a gamer
03:03… M1lk`i: or is that really unlikely
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: um
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: its that im a manager and i know people with in Cb and GV
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: so they told me that
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: so its gg lol
03:03… M1lk`i: if youre so confident
03:03… M1lk`i: show me the screenies
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: how baout..
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: go die?
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: and stop boring me..
03:03… M1lk`i: how about
03:03… M1lk`i: accept score
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: lol how about dont hack..
03:03… syntaX-Kevlar: llo
03:03… M1lk`i: I dont
03:04… M1lk`i: who does?
03:04… M1lk`i: do you even know
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: yesss
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: hints the SS
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: lol
03:04… M1lk`i: cool
03:04… M1lk`i: show me
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: nope
03:04… M1lk`i: ok so youre full of shit ?
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: lol..
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: not really
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: grow upa nd shit up ..
03:04… syntaX-Kevlar: thanks
03:05… M1lk`i: I think I'm being pretty mature towards you
03:05… syntaX-Kevlar: tbh i dont really care..
03:05… syntaX-Kevlar: go cry somewhere else..
03:05… M1lk`i: you're the one calling one of us hacker without prodiving proof
03:05… syntaX-Kevlar: Cb and Gv have it..
03:05… syntaX-Kevlar: its got nothing to do with u
03:05… syntaX-Kevlar: so mind ur own business..
03:05… M1lk`i: I think its my business
03:06… M1lk`i: cause i want your points
03:06… M1lk`i: you dont deserve them
03:06… syntaX-Kevlar: lol
03:06… syntaX-Kevlar: oh well
03:06… syntaX-Kevlar: life goes on
03:06… syntaX-Kevlar: have fun
03:06… M1lk`i: Naw you dont understand
03:07… M1lk`i: we're stuck behind our computers those points mean everything to us
03:08… syntaX-Kevlar has quit IRC (Signed off)

» » Pointmachine

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