image: logo_new


dC. build Oct. - Dec 2008 was:
image: US_flag iPop (c)
image: US_flag Weegee
image: US_flag xyzz
image: US_flag Red Dawn (aka blazeit aka spades)
image: US_flag ipod
image: US_flag Chronic (suspended by dC admin)
image: canada_flag Oreo
image: dutch_flag Walk!n (c)
image: dutch_flag Spine
image: dutch_flag Touchdown
image: swedish_flag Smekht
image: finland_flag Sm!le
image: austria_flag sRgN / Eisregen

image: US_flag Vermilion
image: US_flag Dustin
image: US_flag Elrayrey

Thanks for all the nice laughs and scrims <3
Damage Control
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