image: creex4

Achievements: 3on3 #1
#AoW 3v3 Cup #02
#AoW 3v3 Cup #03
#Outlaw 3on3 Cup v.1
#3on3 oldschool cup

Participated at EMS Qualifier as Deathless

Poland sILENT
Switzerland crAshh
Germany cRz
Germany Whiskey
Germany rise
Germany Sab

Current Multigaming Clan: none / looking for one
played under the flag of England
Poland sILENT
Switzerland crAshh
Germany cRz
Germany sabio
Netherlands Allir
United Kingdom Pieface

United Kingdom Tekn0
Netherlands rezta

old lineup[/b]]
Poland sILENT
Switzerland crAshh
Germany Whiskey
Russia Jago
Austria Link
Germany Dregs
credibils clan
Contact information, #credibilis @quakenet

Members (2)