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<Drozdzowka> i gonna be banished
<Drozdzowka> u


Bozar wants to clear some things out!]
<Speedy-Bozar> skill?
<Simppa`> gtfo
<Speedy-Bozar> lol?
Speedy-Bozar is [email protected] * Tom
Speedy-Bozar on @#dharma +#teamplay.cz #gosugamers #teamliquid #clanless-et #et.merc #6on6.et #3on3.et
Speedy-Bozar using *.quakenet.org QuakeNet IRC Server
Speedy-Bozar is authed as SBozar
Speedy-Bozar End of /WHOIS list.
<Simppa`> i dont play with cheaters
<Speedy-Bozar> wtf ru to judge who cheats and who does not? random brainless noname...
<Simppa`> yeah im bozar, the master of universe. btw i got a bot
<Simppa`> pls..
<Simppa`> i know exactly who u are
<Speedy-Bozar> tell me
<Simppa`> leave me alone pls
<Speedy-Bozar> retarded brainless noname...
<Speedy-Bozar> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agxm3My93E
<Simppa`> hard talk from known cheater
<Speedy-Bozar> interesting that only like 0,1 percent of people who know me from pc gaming consider me as a cheater
<Speedy-Bozar> repeating: brainless crap
<Simppa`> yeah and rest 99,9% are newschoolers
<Simppa`> brainless cheater, get lost
<Speedy-Bozar> and the rest r not fucking random et idiotic players like u
<Simppa`> ur a fucking noname as well
<Simppa`> played ec? no, played oc premier? no
<Simppa`> because nobody wants u in their team
<Simppa`> becayse why?
<Simppa`> u cheat
<Simppa`> man seriously, get lost
<Speedy-Bozar> i played oc premier with my own team, but nvm
<Simppa`> yeah 3v3?
<Simppa`> wastn really talking about 3v3oc
<Speedy-Bozar> 6v6 u stupid cripple, u have no idea who im and spam me by your brainless bullshit
<Simppa`> hard talk from known cheater
<Speedy-Bozar> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agxm3My93E and go to study u retgard
<Simppa`> im not really intereset of your youtube vids
<Speedy-Bozar> ofc not coz ur lying to yourself with your miserability
<Simppa`> seriously, get a life nerd and stop bugging me
<Speedy-Bozar> every day random people pm me that im a hacker... always the same brainless story... "ur a hacker and i dont wanna hear anything else"
<Speedy-Bozar> u should get a olfie
<Simppa`> dont u think that your cb ban affects that
<Simppa`> and u just said 0.1% thinks ur a cheater
<Simppa`> liar
<Simppa`> u can only play with random nobrainemoshitnoobs because they dont know who u are
<Speedy-Bozar> ofc they do, they r fucking brainless shit like u
<Speedy-Bozar> and i got banned for a config command u idiotic scum
<Speedy-Bozar> get some info
<Simppa`> get some skill
<Speedy-Bozar> :DDDDD
<Simppa`> why are u still crying at me? cant get 3rd?
<Simppa`> wonder why..
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and i dont wanna hear anything else"
<Speedy-Bozar> <Speedy-Bozar> and i got banned for a config command u idiotic scum
<Speedy-Bozar> <Speedy-Bozar> get some info
<Speedy-Bozar> <Simppa`> get some skill
<Speedy-Bozar> get a life
<Simppa`> look whos talking
<Speedy-Bozar> :)
<Speedy-Bozar> a good person
<Simppa`> the ultimate pimp, master of universe, best in everything, also considered as a god in ET scene
<Simppa`> woho
<Speedy-Bozar> unlike u
<Simppa`> ur funny.
<Simppa`> sad person
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and i dont wanna hear anything else"
<Simppa`> yeah must be fucking master plan, "hey lets start hack in freeware game"
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and i dont wanna hear anything else"
<Simppa`> nerd
<Speedy-Bozar> i can repeat it forever u pathetic scum
<Simppa`> sure thing mr.god
<Speedy-Bozar> just an infatuated loser who sees a nice player and wants to kill him by his own ego
<Simppa`> :D
<Speedy-Bozar> yes, im the best player, but i have trained a lot ;)
<Simppa`> :D:D:DDD
<Speedy-Bozar> sure... god in et
<Simppa`> every1 laughs at u
<Simppa`> and u dont even know it
<Simppa`> now thats sad man
<Speedy-Bozar> coz they hate when i own them in 1v3 :)
<Simppa`> with your bot
<Speedy-Bozar> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0agxm3My93E bot?
<Simppa`> again, im not gonna watch your vids
<Simppa`> not interested
<Speedy-Bozar> "hey lets start hack in freeware game"
<Simppa`> cant u just leave me alone?
<Speedy-Bozar> "hey lets start hack in freeware game"
<Speedy-Bozar> oh w8
<Simppa`> man u must be real bitter
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and i dont wanna hear anything else"
<Speedy-Bozar> :)
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and leave me alone, im not gonna watch any evidence that will prove ur clean, coz i hate u, coz u HACK!!"
<Speedy-Bozar> smartass :)
<Simppa`> seriously are kinda stupid?
<Simppa`> even my shoenumber is bigger than ur iq
<Simppa`> get
<Simppa`> lost
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and leave me alone, im not gonna watch any evidence that will prove ur clean, coz i hate u, coz u HACK!!"
<Speedy-Bozar> genius...
<Simppa`> yeah sure
<Simppa`> ur fucking genious
<Speedy-Bozar> http://www.gamestv.org/event/13662-trivium-vs-delinq-entes/#comment483741
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and leave me alone, im not gonna watch any evidence that will prove ur clean, coz i hate u, coz u HACK!!"
<Simppa`> so u dont think that the fact that ur banned from cf, cb and esl affects it?
<Simppa`> seriously, i dont watch ur vids
<Speedy-Bozar> im not banned from cb and esl
<Speedy-Bozar> u brainless prick :)
<Simppa`> ay ay, sir. may i also call u master?
<Simppa`> how low can u get?
<Speedy-Bozar> people like u r usually not even allowed to speak to me unless they amuse me
<Simppa`> ur hitting the bottom all the time
<Speedy-Bozar> better call me God in disguise
<Simppa`> ok, i'll pray for u
<Speedy-Bozar> can u kill yourself for me?
<Simppa`> nah
<Simppa`> hey cmon, go away
<Simppa`> go see some tits
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and leave me alone, im not gonna watch any evidence that will prove ur clean, coz i hate u, coz u HACK!!"
<Simppa`> get a u know what they call "life!
<Simppa`> "
<Speedy-Bozar> enlighten me
<Simppa`> yeah only cool people call other people stupid in e-world
<Speedy-Bozar> ur stupid
<Speedy-Bozar> im cool
<Simppa`> your mom was cool
<Speedy-Bozar> come on... tell me what is life ;)
<Simppa`> u'll never find it out
<Speedy-Bozar> explain
<Speedy-Bozar> im very curious :)
<Simppa`> im sorry, i tought that god would know
<Speedy-Bozar> i rly wanna see definition of life from some brainless e-kiddo who calls me a cheater and obviously is obsessed with me :)
<Speedy-Bozar> tell me the definition pls ;
<Simppa`> excuse me? :D ur the one who keeps answering
<Simppa`> im the one who says gtfo
<Simppa`> im obsessed with you?
<Speedy-Bozar> "ur a hacker and leave me alone, im not gonna watch any evidence that will prove ur clean, coz i hate u, coz u HACK!!"
<Speedy-Bozar> yep... the definition pls :)
<Simppa`> you are one of the most pathetic person i have ever met
<Simppa`> why dont u find out yourself
<Simppa`> go as your mom
<Speedy-Bozar> im absolutely sure that scum like u has no idea about life and is gonna say total bullcrap
<Simppa`> would u like to describe it?
<Speedy-Bozar> can u imagine the humiliation when u try to describe "life" :)
<Simppa`> can u feel the humiliation as i talk to u?
<Speedy-Bozar> yes
<Simppa`> your arguments are getting even lower
<Speedy-Bozar> yes... so low and still owning your head
<Speedy-Bozar> really huge humiliation
<Speedy-Bozar> i feel it in my bones
<Speedy-Bozar> the definition now pls... :)
<Simppa`> i feel it in my bones, ur obsessed with a fucking freeware videogame :D
<Simppa`> GET A LIFE
<Simppa`> NERD

SC 5v5 '10

Finland fantaxd
Finland crittie
Finland metsuri
Finland Zeku
Finland demzor
Finland Salaneuvos
Finland HardyRah
Finland repje
Finland crew
Finland kRONE

CB 3v3 Wintercup 1st div 2010

Finland fanta
Finland Metsuri
Finland HardyRah
Finland repje
Finland crittie

ESL Summerleague '09 1st league lineup (folded)

Finland fanta (c)
Finland Metsuri (c)
Finland ruoska
Finland repje
Spain Gengis
Finland chmpp
Finland amgg

ESL winterleague '09 2nd league lineup

Finland Simppa / fanta
Finland Metsuri
Finland crittie
Finland HardyRah
Finland funky
Finland ruoska
Finland vokki
Finland repje

CB wintercup 1st league
ESL Winterleague 2nd league
invited to first 3on3 ETCUP ever which never got played :O)
3on3 OC killed by CB admins. Reason: we have password protected irc channel!!! woowoowooohoooooo!!!!!! WP DONEX

Match result #avenue69 win from Belgian Dream Team 'Overload' [Third place EuroCup XVII - ET SW 6v6 Second place EuroCup XVI - ET SW] with 4 to 2 rounds
and gain 120 rating points (Belgian Dream Team 'Overload' [Third place EuroCup XVII - ET SW 6v6 Second place EuroCup XVI - ET SW] lose their nr1 position !) (c) ClanBase

lol jotai 1daykuppeja
3on3 eu ladder rank 3
reached 3on3 eu ladder top10 28.9.07!
Aestas v2 1daycup
Lucky-Bitches 3v3cup
#Global][Gaming 3v3cup #2
#Grainted 3o3 Special People Cup

also played 3v3 oc premier for #glitz, got to playoffs & lost to defix

Guest stars

Finland amgg
Finland ruoska
Finland funky
Finland chmpp
Finland HardyRah
Finland kapa
Finland olBaa
Finland Ruipperi
Finland mind
Poland uf0leet


gD vs ave 2:4
wat vs ave 0:4
EDiT vs ave 2:4
33cl vs ave 0:4
darts-team vs ave 2:4
best vs ave 0:4
gG vs ave 0:4
tntr vs ave 0:4
TvL vs ave 0:4
uAznia vs ave 4:0
Beunekes vs ave 2:4
earabs vs ave 2:4
funeral vs ave 2:4
red vs ave 4:0
wst vs ave 0:4

stats: 15 won & 2 lost

=> rank 3

PS. (metsuri on homo)
PSS. (fantalla seisoo)
PSSS. (crittie on myös homo)
PSSSS. (fanta ei ole ikinä saanut minkäänlaista seksiä naiselta)
PSSSSS. (crittie kiihottuu runkkaavista apinoista)

Special thanks goes to Finland Team-Finland 3v3 who lost 3 matches in a row for us and lost over 200points, rank 3 -> 58! thx m8s!!!
Contact information

http://www.viikset-kasvaa.com, #avenue69