We got our servers back online now

image: 758683
ETPRO#JVMOD ./Connect or image: tbicon image: icon_xfire image: icon_hlsw image: icon_gt
image: 758616
methLab#1' (ETTV) ./Connect or image: tbicon image: icon_xfire image: icon_hlsw image: icon_gt

image: SLH-Banner

image: Image14

Enemy territory Full Installer

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2.60b (no updates needed after install)
- All files needed to play will be installed without any manual involvement.
WolfET_2_60b_custom.zip [ 253.39 MB]
Harlekins ET 2.60B Installer ( 253 MB)

ET Ultimate Installer - ETUI ( etui.kashu.fr)
- It is especially made for all the people who want to (re)install ET easily
ET_Ultimate_InstallerV1.6_Win.zip [ 338.8 MB]

Enemy Territory 2.60B Linux Full Installer (with ETKEY and PB)
- ( ./et-linux-2.60.x86.run will paste the full-content into the current working directory) :: et260b.x86_Full installer_V03.run.zip [ 262.88 MB]

image: back

Other resources:
Command & cvar list
Unofficial strategy guide
Frag movie database
Maps & map packs
Minimizer (not needed if you download ET from the Splash Damage website)
etkey.org (PunkBuster & etkeys - same as above)
Global Server Configs v1.3 (latest league configs for servers)
ETPro public servers (a short list of active ones)
TrackBase server list (a more extensive list including non-ETPro servers)
Download ETPro 3.2.6 (competition mod)
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, operating Platforms:
Windows, Linux, Mac OS X

image: ettv26b

Copy/paste ready "ETTV-ETPro 3.2.6"
all-in-one server.configuration with qmm_1.1.3 addition,
Source: (ETPro//ETTV.Server - AiO.settings #2015)

aio-package update from 31.12.2014:
-available configs "def/pub/priv3/priv5"
pub config features already setup punkbuster streaming to PBBans//GGC
-tv|shoutcaster (ettv-slave) configuration..
-various other builds, like "etded_jh, eteng, etdedpp"
-punkbuster server.configs, with lagreduced automated settings
-decent collection of .lua-modules (updated globalcombined.lua)
-small server.PAK incl. slight eyecandy 'n stuff..

Direct download:
image: rarmethLab(ETTVx86) final.rar 9505KB Dec 30 2014 06:06:24 PM
image: rarmethLab(ETTVx86) final.rar 9505KB Dec 30 2014 06:05:14 PM

image: QHPrA-bytes_70x70
OfficialFaceBook [ ./facebook.com/nrtj.etpro ]

2005 - ZION - 2069

Contact information

[email protected]