It's too late for dinner I know :(!

I know that is late but I forgot about this because I was absorbed by my new project :(.

image: x5tblu (cucumber + egg + tomato) + green tea.

what are you eatiN?


And the project ofc,

image: o7on4m (took me smth like 4-5hours)
image: 488_swinia_pacie_krowy_paputki_krowki

have same mousemat :x

nice food but it lacks some meat
nerd eating infront of computer hahaah
polaks look like they are still in the soviet according to the plate hahah
Pretty nice. :3
That looks so nice the meat
The griddle pan doesn't get hot enough on this electric range. Stripes should be a bit darker even if it worked properly!
Well, I'm just not having any carbs for dinner, doing this for 14 months now. :-)
Any effects?
Lost 36 kilo in that time.
In 14months? It's not much... I lost 10kg in 3months without diet. I ran 3x/week @ gym n' stuff. Did u try some gym exercises?
I lost 10 kg in the first 5-6 weeks. It's just water and other shit. It will go slower if you actually have to lose more than 10.

I rather lose it slower and in a healthy way than having nothing to eat for half a year and end up with loads of "lose skin" (which I will have anyway, but hopefully/probably not as much as I had if I lost it faster).

Started running lately and I'm doing some other workouts as well.
I'm at the reduction as well but without diet because I don't have any money for that... But I'm trying to run a lot so it's not that hard. I started at 97kg and now - 85 :) 7months @ gym and it's not much I know, but I had a break and a 'yoyo' thingy :(. Now I started again and I'm aiming at 80kg at the end of holidays :p

soz for the english, i hope thats understandable :p
The yoyo effect comes in usually if you eat way different (or "normal") after your diet compared to the stuff you had during your diet.
And about the money issue: I don't think that healthy (diet) food is any more expensive than the normal stuff you usually have. Atleast not in Germany once you figured out what's cheap and where to get certain stuff cheaper.

Gl with it though!
Yes I know that's not expensive stuff but I'm living with my family (mom, dad and 2 sisters). Dunno if you know how it is but... I'll buy something for me and they "can I eat this?" "can you give me one of these?" and other shit. But I'm trying to eat in 'healthy way'.

And about this yoyo effect - during this break i ate all the stuff like crips, fastfoods (1/2 in month)... :p
Ye I know that. It's easier now since I'm living on my own :)
Thats actually pretty impressive. ^^
Losing 36 kg in just over a year is quite the achievement by itself (unless you use liposuction, because that's just straight cheating :P)
Yes If you didnt run during those 14months :P
Guess if I actually ran, I would have ended up as a cripple totally destroying my knees. :)
Ok then, didn't know that!
If your profile pic is a recent one I must say you look handsomer than before =D
It's like 3 months old I think, didn't change much though since then :-P

Have you thought about increasing your muscle tissue to increase passive metabolism?
This will also decrease the loose skin problem you will have when dropping more weight.
Yep, I started running lately and been doing some normal workout like crunches, push-ups, dips and a little weight lifting (12,5 sometimes 15 kg per handle atm, biceps, triceps and all that stuff). Started it in january/february, so there's still a lot of room and time to improve :-P
Ok, my suggestion is to focus on the bigger muscle groups like legs, chest, shoulders and back. When reaching the desired weight/shape you could start 'sculpturing' the rest.

biceps, triceps and abs are relatively small muscles/muscle groups and wont aid as much in your metabolism as the ones mentioned above. :)
nothing wrong with eating THAT kind of dinner at this hours :)
too late? are u kiddin me ? having dinner at 22.00 here
r u a retired brit in benidorm? :)
lol no, im spanish.
It's just about right according to most "experts". 1-3 kgs per month seem to be ok.
And since I have had 2 months half of that "diet" caused by parties, holidays, bbq, beer and all that nice stuff you have in summer, I guess it's alright, yea :-)
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