I find all of this a bit strange. Perfo is addicted to WOW. I dont know what to do. He plays with every free moment he has. Ever since EC started he has been playing nonstop. My problem with it is all the time dedicated to playing. He spends more time with his online friends, which are all guys, than he does with me. I have also found that he has one of his online friends phone number and they are conversing out of the game.
I am at my wits end. I feel i should call this guy and let him know that perfo is not on WoW to hook up but i am afraid of what the consequences of doing that will be. I don't know what's going to happen.
I also asked perfo's brother for advice.. this is what he had to say
Find word: WoW
Replace with: HoN
Find word: World of Warcraft
Replace with: Heroes of Newerth