Real reason why EM got kicked out of EC

I find all of this a bit strange. Perfo is addicted to WOW. I dont know what to do. He plays with every free moment he has. Ever since EC started he has been playing nonstop. My problem with it is all the time dedicated to playing. He spends more time with his online friends, which are all guys, than he does with me. I have also found that he has one of his online friends phone number and they are conversing out of the game.

I am at my wits end. I feel i should call this guy and let him know that perfo is not on WoW to hook up but i am afraid of what the consequences of doing that will be. I don't know what's going to happen.

I also asked perfo's brother for advice.. this is what he had to say


Anyway, my brother is, I'm certain, extremely addicted to World of Warcraft. I don't just mean this in a sense of "he plays it a lot" - I have come to the conclusion that his level of addiction is that as strong as drugs or alcohol, just in a different form. For example:

- When he started playing WoW a few weeks ago, he had a steady girlfriend and was in college getting a music degree. Within days, his girlfriend dumped him and he dropped out of school because he was playing the game too much.

- He moved back into my parents house, and stayed there for awhile, but because of some of my parents "rules", and the sub-par internet connection, he moved out.

- He had a few jobs while living on his own. None of them lasted more than a few months. He kept blaming "bad management" and "giving him crappy schedules", but I'm pretty sure the reason is "giving him schedules that conflict with his World of Warcraft raids".

- He still can't hold down a job more than few months, and works part-time at most when he does work.

- He stays up to all hours of the night, and sleeps all day.

- He is constantly "sick". This is largely due to him screwing up his body's sleep schedule, and the fact that his room is extremely unsanitary (dirty dishes, old food containers, etc).

- He rarely even bathes anymore, and some days only comes up to grab something to eat before retreating to his room.

- His life is based around his guild's raid schedule. I've tried to invite him over (to my room) in the past, but he's either turned me down because of a pre-planned raid, or cancelled on me because his guild scheduled a sudden raid. (Or, cancelled because he's tired/sick).

-Once me and mom took away his PC for a few days. He didn't eat. All he did was play the 3rd movement of Moonlight Sonata. For 17 hours straight.

Here is the evidence: image: 1hcjfb
Moonlight sonata <3, siq jasperrrrrrr m8z
music degree? Have fun being useless

Find word: WoW
Replace with: HoN



Find word: World of Warcraft
Replace with: Heroes of Newerth

if only you had a clue what you were talking about
i got this information from perfo's sister
i lost 10kg after 1 year of playing WoW nonstop...but that was probably the only good thing about it :D
you also lost your friends aye?
not rly. wasnt adicted enough imo :/
too bad :<
I used to like you guys being retardedly funny on here but it seems like you're losing it a bit bro's.
The truth is never funny.
The truth can be funny, freudd.
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