oldstuff !

So i was looking at my old email's and i found some tactics hellhammer made for me back in 2005/2006

so i was liek lemme share it with the community <3

PS1. numbers 1 to 6 are players, so each and every clanmate should pick a function that suits their gameplay (orly?). Also, for easier comprehension of the tax, let the captain give numbers (of functions) to each of the 6 clanmates, and let them practice it during training, just let every player memorize his own function (from 1 to 6).

PS2: DON’T forget the truck =))

PS3: it is understandable that the tax seem perfect n stuff but, like real life, in practice it seems a heck more difficult than it is described on black and white. So, when you seem to be applying the tax on scrims, but don’t get results, don’t blame me =).

PS4: when your team does the tax as described and many clanmates die, the rest of the team can either create mayhem and clear whatever they can clear, then selfkill, and repeat the whole procedure, or they can just ignore the tax, and try to come up with a simple but effective crossfire-attack strategy of 2-3 ppl, and do the objective, reading the patterns of behavior of the axis attack (where are they weak, how can you let one clanmate slip through, their defence, using covering fire and create havoc), so they can make a really effective attack, leading the remaining team to do a really easy job when they respawn. It all depends on the circumstances, good comms and the enemy.

PS5: the meaning of covering fire is the consequent and unending burst or bursts of fire (with nades/smgs or whatever) towards camping enemies, so that they cant fire towards the teammates, in order for the rest of the team to do their job more easily.

PS6: ALWAYS let non-medics go first upon entering the “danger” zone.

PS1. numbers 1 to 6 are players, so each and every clanmate should pick a function that suits their gameplay (orly?). Also, for easier comprehension of the tax, let the captain give numbers (of functions) to each of the 6 clanmates, and let them practice it during training, just let every player memorize his own function (from 1 to 6).

PS2. when I say “when needed” I mean when it is told so on comms. For example, if the half team is dead, that player must be told to on comms in order to act like in the tax. The same applies when I say “occasionally”.

PS3. I overspam in this doc with “must play as blablabla”. I mean this:

When I say “must play aggressively” I mean that the player must go kick as much ass as possible, to do as much damage/headdies as possible, just seek trouble, because that can help the team a lot at that time, works both as a distraction and as counter-enemy rush.

When I say “must play as defensively as possible” I mean that kills don’t matter, if objective is being lost, that the player must stick to his position and do as it is told in the tax, he must wait for the enemy to come to him, not chase him, his sole objective is to kill/gib the enemy that can end the map by doing the objective (an engy), the rest is just so unimportant as teletubbies 6 o’ clock in the morning. Also, the reason for the player to play as defensively as possible is that he must NOT die AT ALL COSTS, he is crucial for the team, so no Rambo shit for him.

And lastly when I say “must play semi-defensively” I mean that the same rules as the defensive role apply here, only here he can go occasionally solo, and play aggressively (like the Rambo action before respawn/selfkill). See it as the combination of the above 2.

PS4: side=a path that isn’t central
Main= a path that is central (ORLY)

PS5: different gamestyles of functions: 1 plays defensively/semi-defensively, 2 plays semi-defensively (rifle), 3 plays semi-defensively/defensively, 4 plays defensively/semi-defensively (obviously the first mentioned is more common than the latter), 5 plays semi-defensively and 6 plays defensively/semi-defensively. But its best to hope that the clanmates can adjust their gamestyle in order for them to play these functions as effectively as possible


1ST spawn tax (change after 2nd respawn, this is to spam the enemy as much as possible @ first attack)

1=Fops1: Goes up, quickly throws support @ wall (7 secs after map starts the canister must be in the air), then he falls @ tunnel, must play aggressively, selfkills into medic.
2=Fops2: Goes down @ north stairs, arties main, gives ammo to himself to overspam with nades the main & tunnel, selfkills into engy/rifle, must play semi-defensively.
3=Fops3: Goes down @ south stairs, arties side, gives ammo to 5 (and 6 later), must play semi-defensively.
4=Medic1: Goes up, covers side + main, must play as defensively as possible, selfkills into Fops.
5=Medic2: Goes down @ south stairs, stays behind of 3, they both change places occasionally from front to back of one another, must play semi-defensively.
6=Panzer. Goes up and stays up, leans and waits for a suitable shot until respawn, selfkills into medic.


1=Medic1: Goes up, covers with 4 side + main, goes down occasionally to help, must play as defensively as possible.
2=Rifle/Engy: Same spot as in STEP 1, he now overspams nades/riflenades @ main + tunnel exit, must play semi-defensively.
3=Fops1: Same as in STEP 1.
4=Fop2: Goes up, covers side + main, gives ammo @ 1 when needed, arties side occasionally, must play as defensively as possible.
5=Medic2: Same as in STEP 1.
6=Medic3: Goes down, behind the north barrel, gets ammo from 3, must play semi-defensively.

ALSO: When planted @ main, 4 goes engy to disarm, respawns as Fops afterwards.

(Watch out for mortar…)

1=Medic1: goes behind boulder near west side of cp wall, covers both tunnel + main, occasionally goes towards cp to clear the enemy, replaces nr 2’s gameplay and position when he is dead, must play semi-defensively.
2=Engy/Rifle: builds cp + mines at occasional spots, covers end of tunnel, gets assistance from 6, must play aggressively.
3=Fops1: stays inside cp house, gives ammo to 5, gets assistance from 5, arties main road, must play as defensively as possible.
4=Fops2: behind the lines shooter, stays inside central bunker @ depot wall, covers main + tunnel, arties main road, gives ammo to 1,6.
5=Medic2: goes behind cp house, assists 3 when needed, must play semi-defensively.
6=Medic3: goes behind west boulder, assists 2 when needed, must play as defensively as possible.


1=Medic1: goes @ east wall, behind the big boulder, goes occasionally to help at main when needed, must play as defensively as possible.
2=Engy/Rifle: stays inside west bunker @ depot wall, overspams the enemy, fires the occasional spawnkilling rifle nade, must watch out and alert the team when the enemy comes to plant @ west, must play semi-defensively.
3=Fops1: stays in central bunker @ depot wall, arties front of boulder near west side of cp wall, gives ammo to 6, must play as defensively as possible.
4=Fops2: goes to tunnel end with 5, arties front of depot gate (not too close though because of 3), gives ammo to 5, must play semi-defensively.
5=Medic2: goes to tunnel with 4, plays the role of assisting medic, must play semi-defensively.
6=Medic3: stays inside east bunker @ depot wall, assists 3, must play as defensively as possible.

ALSO: when planted @ main 4 goes engy to disarm, then respawn as fops. And 2 goes to disarm @ main only after 4 fails, and also he must immediately go to disarm side dynas when and if planted.


1=Medic1: stays near the wall @ east side, goes occasionally to camp behind the boulder outside, must also provide crossfire @ main when needed, must play semi-defensively.
2=Engy/Rifle: same as in STEP 4.
3=Fops1: goes to west bunker stairs/near plantable area , near 2 and 5, arties main (inside the walls), gives ammo to 5 and 6, must play semi-defensively.
4=Fops2: stays down at the base of east bunker wall, crossfires with 1, gives ammo to 1, and fires the occasionally nasty multikilling airstrike @ the top of bunker, must play semi-defensively.
5=Medic2: stays with 3 at the west bunker wall stairs/near plantable area, near 2 and 3, must watch out with 2 for trespassers through west side, must play semi-defensively.
6=Medic3: stays inside axis depot spawn, covers all areas (main + 2 sides), must play as defensively as possible.


Everything stays the same as in STEP 5, only 3 and 5 go to gold crane construction, fire from the window and protect the construction, both must play as defensive as possible, and ONLY when 3 and 5 are dead and respawn is closer than 5 secs, 4 can go panzer and do some wonder-objective-save.


Everything stays the same as in STEP 5, only 4 goes engy and plants everywhere where it is possible, and 5 (medic) stays at axis back respawn path.


Everything is the same as in STEP 4, only 1 and 6 go Fops.


lets play now.
printed it and took a shit
great read!
Thanks for bringing me an idea.
dimitriy = nerd
biggest nerd alive
ben zo bored he :(
krijg je kontpijn van
kom jonko doen
hoor hem dan!
geen zin in waterpijp, Mr. J wel maar ik heb geen geld as i said befur
ik heb alleen nog vloei en shag hahaha
yeah gewoon stoer doen en sjek roken!
tip vloei sigga, go get the weed nigga
tip vloei hash
echt weer mocro stijl
Wtf :D heb je geeneens 10 euro meer?
nee ik hang op de straten om die doekoes te ontvangen

image: 265918244_f16ba8182a
nog 5 euro en 5 cent!
Mag ik dan mee doen:$? Ik heb wel 5 euro en 5 cent!
ja heur, kom maar langs veenendaal
(Watch out for mortar…)

Oh the days..
btw i need loekis banaan song pl0x
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