
.. for Killerboy's statement regarding the unfair removal of EuropeEASYMODE from EC.

Included in this statement I would like clarificaiton on the following issues:

- justification of collective decision to kick EASYMODE from this season's EuroCup
- verification of which rules were broken
- explanation of why EASYMODE were kicked from this season's EuroCup after their full lineup claimed a forfeit victory over Frogz


If Clanbase can not provide answers for the above questions then I demand a full public apology and reinstatement into EuroCup
Srs business
Give it a rest already
Good idea. I will forgive and forget. Kicking EASYMODE was fully explained, verified AND justified.

I'm so glad you opened my eyes
Easymode were trolling the EuroCup. Nobody cares that you and your fellow animie sheep nerds were kicked out.

If Killerboy DID bend the rules, who gives a fuck. As far as I'm concerned he made the right decision and is doing a brilliant job. Goodbye!
image: istockphoto_9610432-doctors-waiting-room

feel free to take a seat gentlemen
still waiting on an official statement why poland didnt get ff win against EE ....
what the fuck, are you blind? check the column anim wrote and scroll down, theres a longer comment by killerboy than the column itself
yes, yes i am :)
I guess you're not into existential literature!
I see ...

EASYMODE is represented by the individual on the right. Respectable, bold, a beacon of discipline.

The figure on the left is Killerboy. Haggered, lumbersome, woefulness personified.

The wilted tree, Clanbase.
Haha, nice, but not quite. The title of this journal is "Waiting" and one of the most well-known existential plays is called "Waiting For Godot".

It was a joke. :D
My theory is far better
No... why the fuck are you admin anyway? Do they actually know what you're like to other players????
That's because you don't understand my subtle humour. :(
dont worry, its ok :d
Don't worry, I got it ;)
*High five* :D
you will abuse your powers and remove my newspost if i do so.
Very true, he acts like a kid and needs to grow up. I'm waiting for a ban tbh, he's a nipple with milk oozing out...
Included in this statement I would like clarificaiton on the following issues:

- justification of collective decision to kick EASYMODE from this season's EuroCup
- verification of which rules were broken
- explanation of why EASYMODE were kicked from this season's EuroCup after their full lineup claimed a forfeit victory over Frogz
Oh I see, you're part of the team, but if Killerboy was helping and sticking up for you, it would be oh KB you're amazing, I will suck your dick, I want your load in my mouth right now...

2 faced tbh...
Wow, they're full line up took a forfeit. That must be a hard thing to do.
you cant read
Clanbase have today removed Easymode from the Clanbase Eurocup after fielding weakened sides in an attempt to gain GamesTV.org riches beyond their wildest dreams according to an inside source.

In a story that has all the ingredients of the current betting problems plighting the Korean Starcraft scene, Easymode have intentionally fielded a weakened side for two matches straight and bet on the opposition (Impact & Rockit). Though the match against Impact eventually rescheudled, and now forfeited the intention was during both matches to field a side that could not compete with the likes of Impact & Rockit without making it public knowledge to rake in the money on GamesTV.org. The allegations are backed up by Wiaderko & Meez's GTV bank statements.

In the end the sides plans were outed from the inside as all was revealed, the side had no intention of practicing for their matches and were planning mischief for their third eurocup fixture upcoming combined with their earlier attempts at winning money on GTV, leaving EC Sup Killerboy with no option but to remove them.

It leaves Group C with just four teams left after Frogz dropped out of the Eurocup due to inactivity.
like they care lolz
killerboy is just the most retarded person in this community. just a nolife nerd whos sitting the whole day in front of his computer and checkin out whos cheating... i rly wonder why nobody knocked that prick out at cc7 ...
pls killerboy come to the next lans, so i can finally get my revenge :)
anyways banning me for playin with cheaters for 120 months says enough, and for that he never even had proofs that i cheated myself... clanbase sux hard anyways, how could a scumbag like killerboy become an admin?
lol cheater nerdraging. And please you would even be a bigger nerd if you would come to lan just to beat this cute maltese boy up :(
weren't you begging me to unban you 2 days ago? and it was bartichello who rightly banned you first for playing with cheaters, then you cheated and got banned again.

you mad????
nah i didnt beg u, it was kr3y but gg...
well then show me the proofs that i cheated :) .. GOGO i rly wanna see it
i played with cheaters like nirv and gnajda and that idiots, then i got banned and so i made a 2nd acc .. and so i got banned for returning while banned but i never got banned "for" hacking.
so baritchello banned you twice, not me, i only banned kr3y as far as i know. It's not my fault you kept on playing with him and made a new account. :S
i see u dont have any proofs that i cheated :P
when did i call you a cheater tbh, it's been 2 years so i might not remember, you're sc0w right? Didn't one of you get a GV ban while playing at lan or something?
kr3y and me were at a private lan and he tested a cheat against me on a lan server and so he just connected to a public server with it, and so he got red yawns, just becuz he forgot to turn off the hack ... we both hate cheaters thats why i dont get why we are banned :(
.. well sorry for the insults then
Quotehe tested a cheat against me on a lan server and so he just connected to a public server with it

Quotewe both hate cheaters thats why i dont get why we are banned

ure full of crap
u didnt get the point.. THINK and use ur fkin brain..
we hate cheaters when were plaiyn against them, but we just tested how it feels like ..
hahahah and u just proved my point :DDD if u hate cheaters do even use them faggot.

yo dawg i heard u hate cheaters but u tested some cheat0rz
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