Methoje/sexplay the poor little kid

Well after methoje /quit et he is fucking us. He is kicking our players from clanbase (He is the leader of the clan), changing the topic of irc chanel, and doing the fucking tard all the time. Is sad that he is fucking us when me, extatic,redeu and methoje are playing together since years! and were e-friends....if u dont want that we play under happyface, wait to the end of opencup and then kick....
A lot of ppl told me that he is a fucking kid.... now i can see it.
The worse of all is the fact that we had chances to win the 3 league (Or second position)......

Fuck u kiddie.
Stfu with me engrush!
ahahahhahahah he's also botting...he was always low+, one day he became a cheater skill :(
nobody who isn't in that clan actually cares. nobody.
nobody who isn't in that clan actually cares. nobody.
sheep's girlfriend is hot indeed, now i know what ross was talking about.
now u know why ppl left Nerd life.
You might touch a girl one day as well garym8 :)
I did that once hehe, but i JIMP :(
Once you're used to touching girls it won't happen :)
Stfu with me engyrush!
hi pichel
talk with an admin
ill do, thx :>
u and xtatic sux so stfu vittu
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