
yo crossfirez

currently im doing my thesis on Payment Gateways for my Bachelor degree

i would be glad if you can fill this short questionnaire if you have free time (you should have!)

thanks in advance to anyone who fill it in!

image: poster___boobs052708113237
hmmm boobs saved it. maybe i will fill it after work :p
cheers all :)
5. What do you look in a website to be sure that the website is running on a secure channel?

I check if the website is on https instead of the usual http
I check if the address bar is green
I didn't know that websites have extra security

none of the answers really fit to me. I do know that "websites have extra security" but i don't bother checking it when buying from a shop like amazon..

9. If you are buying from a website and when you press the checkout button you are redirected to for example to continue the payment. Does this irritate you?

depends on the shop / new url / ...
5) the normal http (like crossfire for example) is not secure enough against attackers hence extra security (such as https) is required.

For example in https... all data is encrypted and you won't understand anything if you obtain the data that is being transfered between the server and another user

9) imagine you are buying some shirt for example from and when you press checkout, you're redirected to paypal to fill in the credit card details. do you hate the fact that you have been redirected to another website to pay?
ye i undestand it, it just feels to me like there's an option missing in 5). i do know that there is a difference between http and https but i don't bother checking it each timei buy smth, especially if i bought at the same shop 20 times before ;)
filled the survey anyways.
cheers :)

altho nr 5: i check if it's https + signed by a trusted company
thx all :D


PS. I live in Norway so everything is cheaper on the net :p
that may be true but don't forget that there are always small charges by banks & payment gateways which might rise prices a bit higher

and thx!
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