Questions and Answers #1

K, so i don't know if that question has been asked before, it probably was, but anyway i decided to give it a try. So 1st of all i decided to go to members section and see when ppl started joining this little community. The date: 21 July 2004, comes up alot in my eyes while checking. But that's not the point.

TL;DR: So my question is - from where or who did you learn about crossfire for 1st time and what made you register here. Was it because of Wolfenstein:ET, or for some other game or reason.

Leave your comments below.
i dont know
ET, Trevize
tell us about your netCoders account.
what you wanna know :D
gimme update for this fucking bot >.<'
butchji asked me to
~Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory poem~

Get skillz or die trying
without your dening
Your name is in neither fame or shame
Don't buy hax, just play the game.

What doesn't kill you
makes you stronger,
but what kills you
doesn't make u pwner.

If u are patient
u are gonna win
if u don't
just search for another scrim.

ET is dead - somebody said
but later this person
for his words started to regret
his soul was connected with a chain to this game
but why he should had said something so lame?

If u are tired of getting killed
by the noob with his panza
it's time for u my friend
to smoke some nice gandja.

A medic is coming
"I will revive you!" - he said
but suddenly a bullet hit his head.
He collepsed on the ground
with a disturbing sound
he knew he was owned again...

I'm a highskilled medic
with a needle out in my hand.
I will make those who doesnt gib to regret!
Let me show you the power of my medic skillz.
It's not me, it's my teammates who get all the killz.

For all you guys, who were born teamplayers.
Nobody of you for his stats really cares.
I admire you fucking alot
For u in a full server, i will quit to free a slot.
So it's you who make this game so complete
It's really you, whom all does really need!


If u are patient
u are gonna win
if u don't

No just no.
TosspoT and RadioITG -> crossfire
joined cuz of ET, Sweden Ti+es told me about it!
I heard of it when I started playing alot of 3o3s in 2.6b and people asked what my cf account is
crossfire came to me
Registered: 7 July 2006

was a nice summer
Registered: 7 July 2006

idd :PPP
because of my brother.he told me to spam this site.
i used to play ET on etpub alot where I was in a clan called K9-ETPub. Then I was thinking this game has great teambased stuff maybe there is competition. Found that clanbase had ET and CB redirected me to crossfire(via Nationcsup that was at the time).
krest told me about crossfire

cause of pallot
was in a cod 4 clan and all players played ET also and they were talking about this crossfire thing so i asked wtf is that and they gave me link :D registered year later or so
it was when I couldn't hold myself back from registering and protest on a realy dumb german writing obvious bullshit, or something alike, oh yeah and swertcw died
Someone had told me that all the pr0s hang out on so I just had to register
someone linked me to this site like 1.5 years ago and i was like mhm lets make a account ^^
i got it from italian players, then i subscribe hoping to find a nice Cheat to buy :/
Everyone said i was a random because i didnt have a cf acc so xd
And you still are
ET, and actually this was the second page i've ever done an account, normally too lazy. first one was clanbase :D browsed it daily and somewhere along the years i thought hey lets do an account loelz.

edit: gamestv was before loelz
sky and silent told me of this site when i was in clan
i joined because i was bored and had nothing better to do
I BLAME Netherlands/FranceDeltharac for registering me here, still remember the day when he showed me this site:)
joined cuz Canadarockstar told me to
United Kingdom Fazz and the rest of the United Kingdom [KS] crew! <3
i used to visit here around 4.5-5 years ago but i didnt know what site this was and never registered here... and after i found a serious team they told me to register.
CanadaBrisk or GeorgiaBlazer told me about this page, when i started to play ETpro, to get info about ET like: frags movies, info about matches, etc.
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