Splinter Cell Conviction -_-

It keeps crashing after like 20minutes, does anyone have the same problem?

Windows 7 64bit btw
Sounds like warez game.
I didnt know you need to declare that explicit after I wrote the title of a single player game
Why the hell do you want support for something you didn't pay for? Don't you find it a little immoral?
Iam a software developer myself and I buy the most games I like afterwards. Just for your info every halfway decent coder is happy for bug reports or other feedbacks.
True that. Coincidence or not, I am also a software developer and thats why I don't like pirating games anymore. I know how damn hard is to code a good one and I'll always offer my support to those deserving it.
My guess is that playing for 20 minutes should be enough to know if you like the game or not. Otherwise advancing too much in the story kinda makes it pointless to buy the game afterwards.
Anyway... on topic. If the crash is a game bug it should have been already found and either labeled as a show stopper bug, either had an official solution released. In both situations Crossfire is not the place to search for the fix.
got actually 2 guys solving the problem for me :)
finished it today without probs. downloaded it ofc
skidrow release I guess?
download the skidrow version, works fine for me on win7
win7 32bit no probs

<skidrow version>
works now aswell, why would anyone consider a 32bit O/S
also downloaded it

working fine no problems

rip version :~>
only 2gb :~>
stop playing the same games as me faggot
Upgrade your videocard drivers.
skidrow is working
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