FPS problem ?

Hi, after since I formatted, I can't seem to get to the same FPS I got last time.

As far as I'm aware, I went through the same optimization as I did last time and I got a lot more open disk space now.

I tried to tweak my cfg, but nothing seems to have any decent effect.

Now I'm wondering if I may have forgotten something in Nvidia control panel, cfg, windows tweaks or something else.

I already scanned and it found no viruses. Harddrive defragged and optimized, but still gotta check for errors this night, though I doubt that could cause such a drop in FPS.

If anyone has some suggestions, feel free to post it here. I browsed through some tutorials and they didn't really help.

I'm using windows 7 , specs in profile.
format c
Try to set performance on max in the invidia settings and also remember to not use vertical sync ^^
Already had that :/
Okay :/ and your sure you have all the newest and right drivers? :)
Well it's a laptop, so I figured I'd install the drivers that came with it.

I'll try installing new ones later.
dont need videocard tbh
turn off threaded opt ?
unistall grapic drivers, reboot, install lastest drivers =), reboot enjoy
/com_maxfps 76 if you cant get 125 :)
76 iz best!!!!11
Erm, my other computer has relatively similiar specs (slightly crappier), except it has a singlecore processor, AMD Athlon XP 1700+ @ 1.5GHz (which doesn't really matter since ET isn't a multicore game), 128MB videocard etc, and it struggles to get 43fps.

Perhaps your computer is just too low-end for Windows 7 and ET, try installing XP :---P
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