Bcake from

Just watched Clash of the Titans...The 3D was a pure fucking money wasting, costed us extra money for 1 minute of 3D effect, rest was normal...Please do your self a favor and don't pay money for this shit movie that it's storyline didnt even made iPhone sense...
p/s i dont nee da fu cking help
ye it was not good :P
wasted so much money :(
image: looololic

better movie and i hear 3d is constant
my friends wanted the clash movie...and i though what the hell seems ok
but the story was even shit :/
its even not worth to watch the film in cinema
The only film that I've watched recently that was cinema-worthy was Kick Ass.
heard its good
It's kick ass! :D
rly good :D
Could have told you about the 3d part :P
3d part sucked idd, but i thought the movie was pretty enjoyable..

i mean, riding massive fucking scorpions! damn!
ask cf before going to cinema. what were u thinking my jewish friend?
I did, nigger, I damn did.
and still you didn't listen =___=

image: Unbenannt
thnx 4 heads up
its an ok movie, but the 3d really made it terrible, they could charge us normal cost...
lets hope an betterd 3d movie will come soon since i missed avatar and id love to experience 3d better
well it seems afew movies are doing it these days so im sure youll have the chance again with something decent i hope:D
it was an ok movie but the timespan of the movie was 2 short to make a movie about olympic gods etc
its a good story they just didnt elaborate it right
the whole movie was just scene after scene
f/e when they are fighting the huge scorpions 1 scene and riding them on the other was just ugh
a movie about that many creatures and shit should atleast be 2.5 hours
true, they rushed things so much (lol'd @ zeus surprise butt sex the guy's wife which i dont remember his name, in order to give birth to a child :DDD rofl, u see the chick, then zeus pops, butt sex her in 0.3 secs, then the wife's husband comes out and zeus is like:
image: 1084733-1245176248-TrollFace2
and flys away or some shit, lol
saw it couple weeks ago @ the cinema, fucking waste of my money. had to pay like 5 euros extra just for some stupid 3d glasses which were shit. also, just like fab and you said alrdy, it was like they (read the moviemakerers) had a timelimit or something to put all this shit in 1 movie

sorry for wakingupenglish
true true :(( i could have enjoyed it much more if i wouldn't pay the extra money......
You shouldn't watch movies in 3D anyways. I still regret that I watched avatar 3D. Digital is much better.
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