serious problems with nazis

so tomorrow (or today - whatever i mean sunday) many many nazis will come to my city because the naziparty of germany (npd) is going to have a meeting in our city...but our city said: nope, we wont let you...or we dont want to let you have ur meeting....and they nazis said: nope..we will come and kick ur ass....and the "linken"...dnno i mean the opposite of nazis...the punks...gonna make a demonstration and kick the nazis in their asses.....and ye more than 1k police on our little 10k inhabitants city tomorrow :(

and since 2 weeks i have a german passport besides my turkish one...and i dnno which side is the right one :(

and i have 1 serious problem now :/ what shall i buy my mother for mothersday because all shops are closed becuase its sunday and a lot of nazis runnin around ? :((
donate her a kebap (with some flowers in?)!
tbh without joking:

dont think they will just walk next to our kebabstore...they ll destroy it prolly
they cant, there is law
dont think that they will care...

its like there are 1000 nazis demonstrating and 1000 jews demonstrating...then suddenly they face each other and then noone cares about law anymore
those are extrem guys, they don't give a shit about the law
I reckon the law doesn't give a shit about them either.
i will gladly house you next may 1st if you want to visit hamburg to realise how wrong you are:P
(1st may = right wingers come to 'demonstrate', whilst the left wingers always decide to...'try to stop it' *cough*)
It's every year the same, more than a thousand righties and a thousand lefties meet for a massive beating, but how would that be any fun if there were not the more than 2k police men to join in?! -.-
Give me as a present to your mom
Stay in your basement until it's over.

Works for both problems.
"hey mom, happy mothersday. my present for you is: ME. i wont go out to the nazis, because i do it for you. i love you."

Works every time.
LOL stay inside the whole day playing games!
That's what I do!
go polish my shoes , bitch
lars wohnt in nem dorf weiter...

unsere stadt ist von der außenwelt abgeschlossen hab ich gehört...niemand kommt rein und niemand raus...aber man weiß ja nie was alles passiert
kill em with fire, and your mother. nP
i think there's flower shops that deliver on sunday. Saves you going out into the nazi's + is nais for mommy!
sleep all day, works always for me
killl it with fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
shot'em all up!
wo wohnst du denn?
angeblich ist mein ort ja das nazi zentrum in nds, wobei es stimmt leider.
und wo wohnst du pummel?
ein bisschen akkurater bitte! ich habe dich ja auch nett gefragt ; (
stay in your basement!

and send your mother flowers online or sth!
Go out and find w/e u want
if you see a Nazi - run, run like you have never done anal before.
You're low razzah.
give her money to go buy her own flowers
Get the friendliest looking nazi and wrap it as a present to your mom?
I think i come to your city .
there is no right side between those mentally retarded "parties"

and mothersday is overrated :)
so fathersday will be overrated aswell when you are a father?
yep, same as childday, i just personally dislike those days :(
i bet when u were a kid u couldnt wait until this day will come xD and dont tell me that not coz they it would be simply lie:O
what`? why should i lie when i say 'no'? srsly not all kids are like on drugs, just because its childday
the only thing you wanted on that day is probably a game since you look like a fucking nerd.
i dont know any normal kidd which wouldnt be happy coz of childday :o mabye u were just to nerdy or to geeky kid? did u even use any toys?o.o
yes i used :D
i am supriced then ^^
ohne pimmel, wie in seinem fall, wird das wohl schwierig :(
aufs m0wl?!
just say you lost your present and give it tomorrow :D
Say you bought the best present ever, but some nazis beat you up on your way home and took it and now you're soo sorry etc ;D
yeah and knock ur head against the wall as a proof
make her ur own card xD with big heart on the top, and i love u mama insaid :O

btw i am not joking^^
i'm sure you are gonna pick the right side

nimm einfach nicht die linke =D
make a pretty drawing of a cat
there is no right side, both are equally shit.
if you cant buy a present you can do something like be her butler for the night -fetch her drinks and food and do the chores that she would normally do.

Maybe take a night off the computer and just spend some time with her.

*works for all women*
kick a nazi & brin your mum his head?

No kidding, you better stay inside of your house ;x
1.Shave your head completely bald.
2.Burn the Turkish passport.
3.Put a black jacket on.
4.Jeans and black leather white lace shoes on.
kill one nazi and give it as a gift.
tell your mum your taking her for a drive and go run over some nazis together?
call this guy

image: 2stalin
nazis > scheiss linke zecken hurensöhne wascht euch mal ihr verfickten hippies ey,missgeburten..dreckspunker gammeln den ganzen tag nur in der fussgängerzone und betteln um kleingeld sceiss assoziale
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