What the hell is going on

Show me your desktopz, no clean upz.

image: 399821

Also, Nationcup teams are jokez.
I probably have the coolest desktop of all time on my netbook.

image: unbenanntww
nur weil ihn jeder hat
den hinterggrund, kennst du ein hacker?
weil ich ein brauche^^
war nur spass, aber es wäre doch mal nice, wenn von manchen leuten der pc kaputt egehn würde
ich könnte das bewerkstelligen
ich glaube, dass es mir zu kriminell ist :( wäre aber mal toll pcs von bestimmt mongos zu hacken^^
mit hacken hat das recht wenig zu tun >.<
einfach nur ne exe schicken und warten bis er zum trojanerclient connected is
so einfach ist das?
naja musst dir no-ip einrichten
ports freischalten
die exe gut crypten und verpacken :D
kann ich alles nicht :D
dann weiss ich ja von wem ich heute nichtsb annehmen werde
Is haltn armes Würstchen :_)
pivy + private crypter
Noisia, +1 for you
von hydropumpe paralysiert sein?
nichts ist!
wat? foobar>winamp
den kann man nciht fangen
i prefer having playlists in tabs, without any .pls files, sry YouJizzm8 :<
ne goldene, aber mein wissen reicht weit über die blaue/rote
look image: 20foj1c youjizzm8
music folder > 2d mouse button > Enqueue in Winamp > songs add to current playlist
you both dont get what i mean, eeeh just try out foobar and youll love it :<
can u share on the msn what you are listening in your winamp with foobar? :P
what do you mean, i didnt use winamp since ages, dont have it installed
well, its a application/plug-in that gave your friends on msn the hint of what you are listening in your winamp :P

yes theres plugin for that for foobar aswell
ok im gonna give it a try a foobar then! :D
after i finish studying some stuff, gonna dl it!
u can do anything with foobar. I think you could even skin it like winamp and fool people to think its winamp.

ctrl + alt + z = %artist% - %title% = Alton Ellis - Jamaica

amip for foobar. replaces your current copypaste temporally, pastes the song and then reverts holding your old copy paste.

image: demand
but winamp needs more resources
and you need to wait to load winamp, foobar opens like a .txt file, right after double click
haha +1 on that media player joke
nice wallpaper, can you share it? xD
thanks, resolution doesnt fit to mine! :(
still gonna use it for a few days :D
u got laptop or something?
no, how come?
such a large desk for such a small computer
haha, I was misjudging the proportions when I designed my desktop :P
everyone seems to have just very few icons
the one with the missiles is much nicer
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