should i watch these?

schindler's list
lotr parts

so my goal was to watch like the top 50 (or something) of imdb movies but i just dont have the motivation to watch schindler's list because its 3 and a half hours, so can you tell me if its a good movie or not (compare it with another movie that was evenly good)

se7en the quick summary on IMDB looked boring so maybe you can give me some info on this movie also :D

lotr parts ye was wondering do you need to watch it from 1 to 3 or can you also watch like the third movie without watching first or second and still understand something of it? and is it worth to watch it cuz its 200 mins also.
seven is a rly good movie (Y)
it's good
Schindler's list was a very good storyline, but way to stretchy.. they shouldve made the movie like 2 hours. But overall it was a good movie.
Lotr sucks and i haven't seen se7en.
seven is awesome! Morgan freeman for sure! ;d
lotr are AMAZING
se7en is GREAT
both are a must movies to watch, schilndlers list is meh

@ lotr yes u have to watch them all, but the '200' mins passes like the speed of light
Schindler's list and Seven are good movies. As for Lotr, the first movie is ok, rest is shit.
Schindler's list is a classic cinematographic piece. It's movie-history.
Everyone should atleast watch it once.
It's not bad either, but too long idd.

Se7en is decent. Gloomy atmosphere.

LOTR-trilogy is amazing. Just did a LOTR marathon myself yesterday (start at 14:00, ended at midnight).
Awesome environment-shots, music, overall decent acting, epic battles, some hot chicks (I'd só do Liv Tyler and Cate Blanchett in a treesome if they wear their elves-costumes).
I would watch LOTR (and yea you have to watch all 3 of 'm).
Where were you for the last 20 years? This three movies are great and definitely worth watching.
:D well its because i can only watch one or 2 movies a week (the weekends) sometimes 0 and i watched other movies in those weekends then these. tho i've been thinking to watch them for a long time but its the 200 mins per movie that stopped my motivation and went on to watch other movies.
So get off crossfire and watch them now! Easiest to watch ( length ) is Se7en. Great thriller.
i will at night :D
schindler's list was made in my town :) This film is Worth watching :)
Se7en you MUST watch. Ask yourself do you like Hanibal Lector movies? If you do so, you're going to love this one.

Schindler's list.. its a real happend story and you can expect about those its not going to be REALLY thrilling and its about jews&WWII... i dont think you're gonna like it. Just my feeling about you :p

about LOTR: you have to see all the 3, starting with 1

e: i dont like the top 250 of imdb, because some are to old, they were good movies for that time but they are outdated.. like Rear Window, Casablanca.
My advise, just watch the movies after 1990
ye i skip the old movies also, the oldest movie i watched was the good the bad t he ugly (1966) its because it was like nr 4 so it had to be good :P and its in my top 3 in the end so :D

about schindler's list i watched the godfather parts and they were long as hell 2 but i use the same strategy as i did with godfather, watch 1 hour everyday its like watching a 3 part episode :D so imma start tomorrow

and i never watched hanibal lector movies but im gonna watch it anyways
Yea go with Se7en first, then if you like that type of movie watch the Hanibal lector-movies. I dont really think its worth it watching 1 hour per day for Schindler's List, but yea thats just me, i 'm not keen on those kind of movies :'o
ye maybe im gonna try and do it in one time but eventually i fall asleep just as with godfather movies, ill just start at like 23:00 now and it'll be alright :D
Well yea you also could go for shorter, more populair movies tho :D
naah everything above 2004-2005 is crap too much HD action and shit i just want a movie with a nice story and a nice actor
NONONO thats not true, mabye they aint top-3 worthy but movies like V for Vedetta, Sherlock Holmes are fine movies
hmm i dunno maybe after my top 50 when i wanna watch a movie that i never did...
se7en is good, schindler's list is OK, lotr sucks (imo).
ge kent er weer niks van e :)
Ik haat sf & onrealistische dingen. Lotr heb ik nooit ne ganse film van kunnen kijken, ofwel viel ik in slaap ofwel verveelde ik mij.. :/
dude lotr zijn geniaal je, ma gij hebt die boeke wrs ni geleze

I like you less than I did before
Ik lees altijd de boeken eerst voor ik een film zien, het gaat hier over filmen, niet over boeken ;)
se7en is a very good movie imo.
schindlers list is epic but definately not an "easy" movie to watch.
lord of the rings is awesome but you should watch part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3, otherwise it's a bit pointless.
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