
since i formatted im in need of a new spawnscript, which echo's the names of the spawns, like 'command post', 'flag', 'base', whatsoever
it was an autoexec for each map..
however i guess only few have this, so any other simple one is welcome, too
bind INS "setspawnpt 0; say_team ^8[^7DEFAULT^8]
bind DEL "setspawnpt 3; say_team ^8[^7SPAWN POINT 3^8]
bind PGDN "setspawnpt 5; say_team ^8[^7SPAWN POINT 5^8]
bind PGUP "setspawnpt 2; say_team ^8[^7SPAWN POINT 2^8]
bind HOME "setspawnpt 1; say_team ^8[^7SPAWN POINT 1^8]
bind END "setspawnpt 4; say_team ^8[^7SPAWN POINT 4^8]
bind x vstr spawnpt
set spawnpt "setspawnpt 0; echo spawnpt0; bind x vstr spawnpt1"
set spawnpt1 "setspawnpt 1; echo spawnpt1; bind x vstr spawnpt2"
set spawnpt2 "setspawnpt 2; echo spawnpt2; bind x vstr spawnpt3"
set spawnpt3 "setspawnpt 3; echo spawnpt3; bind x vstr spawnpt4"
set spawnpt4 "setspawnpt 4; echo spawnpt4; bind x vstr spawnpt"
is that something that you have to press x 4 times to get to spawnpt 4?
its not really good because you have to press 4 times to get the right spawnpt and you have like 1 second left for respawn you cant make it in time. and can also happen that you overpress x that you have to press it 4 times again to get to spawnpt 4 :S
its not mine
oh well then now you know :D
yeah, thx :D
use limbo
binding spawnpt 0-6 to different buttons, and learning spawnpoints by heart for every map is the best.
idd have them from f5 to f10
true that.
rest is pathetic
since spawnscript seems to be already found, this should now be about other cool config stuff

bind n vsay cheer "^1:D^2:D^3:D^4:D^5:D^6:D^7:D^8:D^9:D^0:D^q:D^r:D^t:D^z:D^s:D^d:D^g:D^h:D^j:D^k:D^l:D^y:D

bind = "vstr vup"
bind - "vstr vdn"
set vdn vstr volume00
set vup vstr volume01
set volume00 "set s_volume 0.0;set vdn vstr volume10;set vup vstr volume01;echo ^p[^w.^1:((^t...........^p] ^p[^10%"^0]
set volume01 "set s_volume 0.1;set vdn vstr volume00;set vup vstr volume02;echo ^p[^w..^1:(^t..........^p] ^p[^110%"^0]
set volume02 "set s_volume 0.2;set vdn vstr volume01;set vup vstr volume03;echo ^p[^w...^1:(^t.........^p] ^p[^120%"^0]
set volume03 "set s_volume 0.3;set vdn vstr volume02;set vup vstr volume04;echo ^p[^w....^1:/^t........^p] ^p[^130%"^0]
set volume04 "set s_volume 0.4;set vdn vstr volume03;set vup vstr volume05;echo ^p[^w.....^1:/^t.......^p] ^p[^140%"^0]
set volume05 "set s_volume 0.5;set vdn vstr volume04;set vup vstr volume06;echo ^p[^w......^1:|^t......^p] ^p[^150%"^0]
set volume06 "set s_volume 0.6;set vdn vstr volume05;set vup vstr volume07;echo ^p[^w.......^1:|^t.....^p] ^p[^160%"^0]
set volume07 "set s_volume 0.7;set vdn vstr volume06;set vup vstr volume08;echo ^p[^w........^1:)^t....^p] ^p[^170%"^0]
set volume08 "set s_volume 0.8;set vdn vstr volume07;set vup vstr volume09;echo ^p[^w.........^1:)^t...^p] ^p[^180%"^0]
set volume09 "set s_volume 0.9;set vdn vstr volume08;set vup vstr volume10;echo ^p[^w..........^1:D^t..^p] ^p[^190%"^0]
set volume10 "set s_volume 1.0;set vdn vstr volume09;set vup vstr volume00;echo ^p[^w...........^1:D^t.^p] ^p[^1100%"^0]

(volumechanger, + goes up, - goes down

//fps switcher
set fpst "vstr fps76"
bind * "vstr fpst"
set fps76 "com_maxfps 76; echo ^7/com_maxfps ^176; bind * vstr fps125"
set fps125 "com_maxfps 125; echo ^7/com_maxfps ^1125; bind * vstr fps166"
set fps166 "com_maxfps 166; echo ^7/com_maxfps ^1166; bind * vstr fps76"

changes maxfps by using *

bind mouse2 "+vstr aids1 aids2"
set aids1 "+movedown;cg_fov 90;b_hitsounds 1; sensitivity 0.75"
set aids2 "-movedown;cg_fov 120;b_hitsounds 2; sensitivity 1"

(when rightclick, i crouch, go to 90 fov (zoom in) and have full hitsounds)

bind "CAPSLOCK" "+vstr allstats allstats2"

set "allstats" "+stats; +topshots; set statsall allstats2"
set "allstats2" "-stats; -topshots; set statsall allstats"
set "statsall" "vstr allstats"

(shows topshots and weaponstats at the same time)

bind [ "vstr tog_name"
bind ] "vstr end_name; echo ^1YOU JUST SELECTED A NAME! WELL DONE!"
set tog_name "vstr tog_name_1"
set tog_name_1 "set end_name set name ^PORDER^3) ^WniSmO ; echo ^PORDER^3) ^WniSmO ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_2"
set tog_name_3 "set end_name set name ^wJoe^dz^2Z^p! ; echo ^wJoe^dz^2Z^p! ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_4"
set tog_name_4 "set end_name set name ^wniSmO^1? ; echo ^wniSmO^1? ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_1"
set tog_name_2 "set end_name set name ^2Bulbasaur^p! ; echo ^2Bulbasaur^p! ;set tog_name vstr tog_name_3"

echos choice of name by pressing [, then selects the name echoed by pressing ]

com_maxfps 166
most are limited @ 125, but bio you can roll 166style xD
why the fuck would anyone use volume script, fps change script, fovchange while crouch and name changer? so useless
dunno and that has lowvolume normally i play something between 1.3 to 2 depending on how much my ears can take :D
well,still its faster and easier to do it in console for me .D
just makes things easier, volume is to make it so you can get the right volume with vent, fps change i dont use much (only if im struggling to get 125), fovchange is useful for spamming + longshooting and namechanger is just easier than typing '/name ^pORDER^3) ^wniSmO each time :)
for me its easier to change volume and fps in console (tbh I dont change fps, its utter crap, dont understand why anyone would do that..)
well, fovchange.. why fovchange while crouch? I dont see any relation.. I use fovchange too, but when I want to,not when I crouch.. would be pretty confusing during fight have fovchanges..
about names.. I use console, but not as you wrote. I write into console "vstr gamenamexy" where xy is number of nick saved in config.. (got already 70 or so :D)
ahhh okay, i only change fps when i really cannot have 125 i cap it at 76, and also its fun on bio to roll with 166, its not capped :D

i have crouch binded to CTRL for inbattle and usual reasons, its just for long shooting sometimes its useful to zoom in, 120 fov its sometimes hard to see people properly from a long way away :) you get used to it, it makes it easier once its like that

and lol! namechanger > your way :D dont you forget them all? xD
forget them? I write "game" into console, then I put tab and every command in my config (set gamenamexy "nickxy" is command) is shown, therefore I have fast access to all nick without need to roll through them + no risk of being kicked of fast nick changes :D
as I mentioned, I use fovchanger too, but just for long range..
I dont care where you have binded it, it has to be confusing when you just do "fast crouch" during fight and fov is changed.. twice..
nahh i use CTRL for a fastcrouch
ah,didnt pay attention to key used for crouch with that script ^^
tho I still think its sometimes good to be standing even when shooting long ranged XD
xDDDD stand still and shoot is the new strafe
not standing still.. when I need to shoot on long range and has to stand (cuz of some reason like - if I crouched I wouldnt see over smth or so), I use cl_run 0 + strafe, you have same (or atleast very similar) spread of bullets like when crouching + you dont move so fast that you couldnt handle crosshair :)
hmmm i do that sometimes (first defence supply, up window) but not often, i find it makes me not hit often xD what difference does cl_run 0 make?
what difference? what do you mean? you dont run so fast, you just walk + as I said, spread is very decreased
ahhh i see, i didnt recognise the command xD
Quotehmmm i do that sometimes

Quoteahhh i see, i didnt recognise the command xD

doesnt make sense for me .D
i thought you meant just run side to side and shoot, no sprint
... srsly? you consider this to be cool? :(
everything about this site is cool
b_endround "guids;pb_plist;statsall;weaponstats;scores"
b_beginround "guids;pb_plist"

Best ever :)
this would be so cool if there would be some command, which would condump console like stats in end of round are.. I mean.. just by date..
Well I always have autorecord so the stuff will be left in demo, which is enough for me.
wow, thats cool idea,thanks!
brb editing cfg XD
nice pb_plist commands...why would you use that shit? its not like anyone still uses pb.....
Thanks for your opinion idiot
it's a question, hence the questionmark.
The command does nothing when pb is off, it stores their pbguids into my demo.
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