little bit of colours into your boring day

image: rainbow-cake-5jpg

image: Bright_Colours_Contest_by_Spookychild
that's quite a colorful cake
cocaine is one hell of a drug
What did the five fingers say to the face?
Not even close, and since mr "beaver" isn't responding..

coooold bloooded >:E
yea, his show was so epic, too bad he had to get all depressed and shit :(
wtf cake
Actually I don't really know wtf happened, he did go to Africa. People been making jokes about that but I think he was just on drugs or had severe stress/depression.. Or maybe he just thought, I'M RICH BITCH :D he got like 50million or sth, can live long and prosper in Africa, or anywhere tbh, with that :D
crack > the world :p

I know :>
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