hi2u boNg

image: bonge
many bong fanboys
just because his names boNg doesnt meen its him.
bong never plays on publics....
and gief time pls, he's online in gta 24/7 :D.D:
I have seen him many times on public even though I don't play pub-games so much.
He had been offline the whole morning ::<<
nothing to "discuss"...
lol I've been playing GTA with him the whole afternoon and still do so. gtfo

same for the last 3 weeks!
lol, was on cybergames.. doubt its him tho :P
QuoteKillerboy on 11/05/10, 18:13:58 PM | Reply

(url) [www.crossfire.nu]

another one from lost

k thx, prob solved
Its a fake,i was there :P
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