
who actually likes it?
Just played it again, was awesome :D

Can't wait for Mafia II :<

new Mafia II map:

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ye its awesome
best game i've ever played
One of the best games on pc ive ever played.
Yeah great story, less fun than GTA but a lot more interesting.

I hope Mafia 2 will be even better... :)
cant wait :))))))))))))
great 8)
There's only 1 good maffia game out there, and that's Gangsters.

oldskoolstyle or wut
found the game on a cd some weeks ago :P it was real fun back then but ive tried it again and i wasnt anymore :(
haha, i think i lost the cd a few years ago. saves me the dissapointment you experienced :-)
That game was also great, but very difficult :(
best game ever
Yes this game is awesome Manuel!
I loved it, but I bought it second hand and it kept crashing after a certain mission =(
its not relased yet so how we can like it. ?
maybe put your glasses on
a lol he mean the 'mafia' ohhh.. its great ended it like 8x :D
a lol he mean the 'mafia' ohhh.. its great ended it like 8x :D
best game eva
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