
Razzah is offline for 1 day and this happens

Lars Vilks, the Swedish cartoonist who drew Mohammed as a dog, was recently told that a scheduled lecture on free speech, to be held at Jönköping Högskolan, would be canceled due to "security concerns." This, of course, is a common evasion, intended to protect the brittle sensibilities of Muslim students while supposedly standing four square behind the right of free speech.

Alas, the administrators in Jönköping had a point. During a lecture in Uppsala today Vilks was attacked by a pack of feral fundamentalists, one of whom managed to headbutt the artist and break his glasses. Police intervened and waged a short battle with the religious nutters who can be heard in the video below, captured by the newspaper UNT, shouting Allahu Akbar! The AP has a quick report, explaining that "Uppsala University spokeswoman Pernilla Bjork said Vilks was showing a provocative film with sexual content to the crowd when the attacker ran up and hit him in the face with his fists."

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Razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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shocking olivia, shocking
rofl at that blond guy :;DD
went to blow up hospitals i guess
razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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that blonde guy is my hero
razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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MUST.. NOT... FAP!!!!
razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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razzah offline for one day and this happens

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razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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razzah is offline for one day and this happens

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muslims who can't behave themselves when people talk about their religion, unexpected :D
razzah is offline for one day and this happens
image: 09-11-01
and any1 still wondering why every1 hates muslims?
give them the chance to study in order to become wealthy.
let them live in a great and "rich" european country.
promise them safety und stability they could never hope for in their homelands.
what do you get in return?
a wild and outraging mob of religious extremists trying to prevent us from using our rights (such as freedom of speech).
Look at that bitch pepper spraying my muslim brothers. Allah Akbar.
Razzah is in spain oO
razzah is offline for one day and this happens
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im one day offline and crossfire cares about me...so cute

bb partying
checking crossfire on holidays is so so sad :<
Pisses me off.

I'm no racist, but there's just no place for medieval religions in this modern age.
Be it christianity, muslim, or whatever.
muslims can suck my fat dick
i hate fanatic people -.-
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