Diiiiablo2 LOD

installed this awesome game again after 2,5 years!!! anyone else still/again playing this game??? /f add aqute (ladder ofc)

oh and btw. if you recently quit playing... help a starter out by handing me some gear ;) because unfortunately... my old accounts are deleted due to inactivity :'(
i installed diablo 2 aswell a while back... but there was some item i had which you need to move on and it miraculously so i quit again :p
ye i needed some item but it wasn't there anymore all of a sudden weird shit :/
nah, but starcraft 2, gta samp and empire D:
it's one of the best games ever made
so true :) and addicting as hell
when will diablo 3 come out btw??
when it's done :(
blizzard is shit when it comes to release dates, as krosan said...they keep publishing shit like "when its done"...fail :(
wat een falers :< gonna be awesome though :D did they reveal the 5th class already?? :p
it's the best what they can do....they dont have any time pressure so you can be sure this will be just AMAZING
my old chars also got deleted ;(
but it was my first online game :D i was nearly addicted hehe :P

i remember playing with rl friends whole night, when suddenly one of us asked "dude, which hour is it?" "holy shit, its 9 am :XD"
then mother arriving room and asking "son, my god, have u been playing all night?!"
"no mom, i just woke up..." :DDD damn, good old times :P
those were the days :)
sup with d3? when will it be released?
no date set, developers speculate that it will be in the begining of 2011
but blizzard never fails so i hope its worth the waiting time :)
watching trailers n stuff atm looks purely fucking awesome CAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT WAIT OMG :D:D:D:D
item fever :))
After new patch came i quit cause nonladd wasnt interesting and my awesome awesome awesome gears werent quite as awesome there cause every1 has perfect gears
i´m playing it.. but only playing pvp (d2 sc nl)

1x lvl 90 trap assa
1x lvl 90 bp nec

if anyone wants to duel me or wants to try tvt with me (no noobs :P), pm :)
Played start of last ladder reset then got banned for using maphack few weeks later.
realy nice game , tho i got banned for maphacking ~3 years ago.Never went back :P
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