Chemic Issue

Right now i'm praccing for my exams. Since we got a large database of old exams i started to make one.

But i got already a problem which i don't understand. I know i'm right but according to the answer (also on the database) its wrong.. Its a easy one so thats why i think you guys could help me out.

image: probleem1

'Heavy' Nitrogengas only contains Nitrogen-molecules with only N-atoms with a mass number of 15

How many protons and neutrons does this 'Heavy' Nitrogengas contains; answer like
Protons :

According to my little book the atomnumber of N = 7 (Atomnumber is the same amount of protons) and the mass number (is obviously 15) is the amount of neutrons+protons (so 15-7=8).

BUT in the answer it says
Protons: 14
Neutrons: 16

Am i being dumb or is the answer sheet wrong?

image: krystalsteal2

e: i left my books @ school smart me

e2: Heavy nitrogengas = N2 ofcourse.. so its 7x2 + 8x2

Thanks to Bluman
Right answer = free link to sex video of that girl
no idea but i bet your chemistry book would definitely help
Nitrogen-molecules(gas) includes 2 N-atoms
... omg lol, yea its true thanks alot. Now it makes sense to me lmao.
sex video ":D" xD
I'm not going to put it here because i will get warnings points again.. Bluman will have to message me if he wants of her :D (No HD quality ofc)
sad panda :(
not needed and i would feel bad for my gf after watching some "sex vid"
your wish is my command

in what way would that harm your gf?
i just cant feel like watching porn/etc maybe its just me
Having a gf didn't make me feel uncomfortable while watching other women naked, it's not as if it made me love her less or something.

I suppose I did watch less but that was probably because I was getting laid more =D
ye then im just mentally retarded :)
If you say so.
maybe not in netherlands, but generally you can find girls that think they seem not to be good enough if their bfs need to watch other girls naked on the internet :).
True, girls will always be insecure at times.
slimmerd, de gegevens gaan over stikstof ATOMEN = 7 neutronen 8 protonen. Er wordt gevraagd naar het aantal neutronen en protonen voor een stikstof MOLECUUL oftewel N2 = 2 atomen = 2x7 en 2x8....
ja klopt, argh was nog te vroeg voor scheikunde toch bedankt ookal was je niet als eerst :p
ik type langzaam op de vroege morgen en ik wou compleet zijn :<<
It only looks like a molecule, it's actually strings!
vmbo examen?
Havo, was makkelijk vraag ookal wordt hij elke jaar gesteld, zul je zelf wel zien als je examen mag doen : )
hbo tentamens zijn moeilijker, zul je wel zien als je ze zelf mag doen :)
obviously heb je dan geen HAVO examen gedaan want die vraag heb je dan ook gekregen (ja in elk jaar komt die vraagt terug in een andere vorm)

nice try je hoeft niet meer te reply'en want nu reageer ik er niet meer op en als je echt op HBO zat had je net niet meer gereplyt, klinkt beetje lastig maar tis wel zo : )
hoever kun je ergens naast zitten, het is bijna triest.
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