New clothes! :O) 2

image: dscn0366x

Felt like sharing again.

Im not intrested in your underwear preferences!
Nee jij wilt me naakt zien:$
I suggest you upload it to
others looks fine but what are these communist jeans :D ?
might want some new chairs by the looks of them ens
Apparently they're very expensive and designer chairs. They're horrible to sit on though..
im afraid to say they are from b&q and are supposed to be outside
Actually they're not :(
less money in brand underwear more money in decent jeans
those jeans look pretty shit :S
why do you buy brand underwear, noone cares about that, if someone sees you in underwear its not the matter of what underwear you wear to get laid lol
well its obviously to show the brand strip above your pants so you look cool and show that mom and dad buy expensive clothes for you.
atleast thats what 15years old think i guess
Ik betaal al jaren m'n eigen kleren lieverd.
They're a lot more comfortable than non brand underwear. As you can see my sweater etc is non brand because they're comfortable enough and I wear them in the evenings/at night.
what the fuck has the brand to do with the comfort of something? Imo its the material its made of that makes it comfortable or not.. maar ok omdat je ze zelf betaalt krijg je wel een sticker met pino erop <3
Ja en merk ondergoed zit gewoon lekkerder en is duurzamer in mijn ervaring.
lijkt mij dezelfde bullshit als datje niet kan slapen als je koffie drinkt voor je gaat pitte, its all in your mind.
Guess you've never stripped @ a party.... :p
my body is more sexy then all cloths ever made np
need more men cloth there, srsly, that's for a 12 years old kid!
nice stuff but the jean sucks !
ca fait pas assez skater pr toi :D
au contraire c'est trop skater !!
boy u gotta be kidding me i mean most of the things are average . then the undwear is nice, got lots of them as well. but then u bought an absolout shit jeans.
Cool hoodie
Don't be afraid to buy shit with other colors :p I hope those Hilfiger boxers and jeans were cheap cuz they're ugly :p
I have shit loads of different colors. I don't think anyone has noticed the first line of clothes are all to worn while asleep (:/). Two boxer shorts, three swimming trousers and one regular jeans (who ya'll been hating it but you can only see the 1/3 of the back, great way to judge jeans).
I base my opinion on the pics you provided, so you can only blame yourself :p
You're saying you use those hoodies and stuff while sleeping?
Anyways, the most important thing is that you're happy with the clothes you wear :)
Yeh I'm on the attic and it gets real cold sometimes.
What you need is some nice guy to keep you warm *hint hint* ;)
Conterfeit? :p
All fake !
Ik rock gewoon die boxers van de Hema of C&A
What did those cost in total again ?:P
lelijke shit
cute clothes
awful jeans are awful
there wasn't any clothes for mans?
I'd love to see what you wear
al die whiners laten waarschijnlijk mams nog steeds kleren uitzoeken + betalen :DDD
:P Ach ik had ook niets anders verwacht van cf! Volgens mij al liet ik zien dat ik een Bentley gekocht had dan was het nog niet goed geweest.
hahah idd :)) En het grappigste is nog dat ze whinen over die spijkerbroek hahaha het is een spijkerbroek hoeveel verschillende soorten heb je daar nou helemaal van xDDD Alsof je het kan zien ook haha
Ik vind m'n zwembroeken vet. Ik wil dat het gauw lekker weer word dan kan ik chillen! :]
verhuizen naar een warmer land! :)
dont like the stuff.
the boxershorts are oki doki tho
Jeans from McGregor ain't so cheap tho but they do look shet.
You can only see 1/3th of the back of the jeans. They're ok, nothing special (already have too many jeans with stripes and shit needed one I can wear on more serious occasion).
looks like shit
nice :) ben alleen niet zo'n fan van g-star en die mcgregor broek :F
don't want, even for free.
boxers--> H&M, jeans: C&A, other: quiksilver, nike, adidas!
What the fuck, you actually paid for that?
wtf, hoeveel kan jij uitgeven in een maand? : D
:P Ik werk hard en ben zuinig!
ja ik werk ook hard, zuinig zijn iets minder dan, vorige maand een pak gekocht voor ~300 x]
job cohen is fucking gay geertje!
dont like any of it except maybe the hoodie, you can get much nicer CK underwear, and Jack&Jones Boxers are way nicer than them and cheaper.
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