Religious tension

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Offended or not, you never behave like such a cunt. Please, gtfo medieval tards.

Edit: My apologize for the offensive title, although I don't completely agree with the new title.
I see religious tension always as bullshit, although in this form it can only be one religion..
*points to the razzal*
Agreed, they behave like idiots with no education.

edit: lol @ the Swedes saying he deserved it. I'd like to know why.
I like how she sprays him in the eyes with pepperspray although he's already on the ground, haha.
you never got peppersprayed yourself then
stupid nerds
No I never got peppersprayed myself...
dan ben je niet cool h4h4h4
but when they say crap/make laugh of other religions it's okay

well i think they're a bit to touchy when it comes to religious stuff
get real...they would nuke u in 1 day...Gundam is scary shit!
lol @ dumpert watermark
Thought the same , lol.
hahah, same :D
normally you should not talk about every muslim if one behaves like that. but its just too damn true that EVERY MUSLIM would behave like this. most medieval ethnic group
I agree with u mate in that. They should not talk general. I am a muslim too but i think i am not a bad guy, there are millions of ppl who are good as examples.. Its just harsh to judge "all" cuz of "some" :/
I am curious, did you read his 2nd sentence :)?
haha, thought the same :D
I agreed with him in 1st sentence as u can see.
lol tali i love u man :D
Senin baban gay partisinde gordum?!

some ppl are just fucked up but i know MANY ppl that are pretty normal and dont overreact about other religions etc and they are muslims also
ethnic group aha
Haha very funny man, very funny
rape them blonde cop !
scumbags! not like their god exists anyway.
not like any god exist...
coz if there was a god, he would use
image: nuke2 @ whole humanity already ;D
u cant know it so let them believe
That's a fairly retarded comment for a smart guy.
i dont see why its retarded because the real retarded and pointless statement here is from Etnies. No one religious person is interested in the useless completely subjective point like that and it wouldnt solve the problem at all. U cant convience a religious person in the notexistence of god, because there ar no proofs, thats why i say, let them believe, u wont convince them of the opposite side. Hopefully i understood u right and made my point clear :)
idd non believers calling believers idiots for believing are just as stupid.
Well there is a good reason to call them idiots won't you agree? If you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and the Christians actually believe the gospels that were written 30 years after the so called 'resurrection' and establish that as historical proof is beyond me XD. and many more ridiculous so called miracles are in the bible, that's only partially a reason for me to call them idiots.
let me ask u something: do u know more info about as only that Jesus was risen from the dead and some people believed in it? I dont wanna begin a bible lesson here or quote church fathers or other historical persons here, but there ar much more evidences or signs FOR resurrection of Jesus as u think, which can only be denided by ignorant people, if they know them.
Please give me some references to some substantial evidence, cause nobody has found it yet. I know the arguments for the resurrection quite well however, I don´t find them compelling, and historians can´t say that there is SOLID proof for the resurrection. Again give me the evidence. Christians desperately try to make sense out of it all, I wish them luck with that. Because it´s hard to debate for lies when all the evidence points the other way.
nono, u make a mistake searching for the clear facts for the resurrection, those dont exist, thats why its called faith. There arent even clear facts, that Columbus ever lived, because we just base our opinioin on the historical writings and we arnt witnesses ourself. But there ar some bible, historical and logical aspects or evidences which ar very convincing, like those for other historical things, which u however believe and find in every historical book
that might be stupid but has nothing to do with the question if god exists.
So you think that Christianity is based on faith alone?
No think christianity is stupid. But again that has nothing to do with the diccussion if god exists or not.
Given that God is omnipotent, the miracles and resurrection is easy bash. The real step of faith isn't believing the miracles, it's believing that there is a personal God, that created everything and sent his son to die for us.
Once you believe that, the miracles are nP. After all, if you're omnipotent, walking on water is pretty easy.
Believing in a personal god is hardly an argument. however, if you want to believe in celestial totalitarianism, be my guest.
That made no sense, i was debunking the argument about miracles being improbable, not argumenting for (or against) faith itself :X
That was hardly debunking the argument :D. I'm going out, if you want to argue about it more, pm me.
Seems you didn't get my point;
Once you believe that God is omnipotent etc, then believing the miracles is no problem. After all, since you already believe that there is a God that can do anything, refusing the miracles would be a contraditction. Which ruins your argument about believing miracles are retarded.

And i'm not here to argue, just to make sure you understood what i said ;)
There must be something? A higher force? A ultimate beeing? Everything in one? I dont know :( what is theory?
There isn't any proof of existence of a god either. And in the past the Church claimed ridicilous things, such as "the world is flat", "earth was created ten thousand years ago" and "when you go high up enough there is a supernatural being", all of which have been proven wrong. When they were proven wrong, they subtlely changed the matters a "bit" so that they would cope with the facts, atleast in some ways.
I nowhere claimed there would exist clear proofs for the God's existence, even if religious people have different kind of proofs for themself. And about the claimings of the catholic church of the past is the unreasonable point, because the old testament makes clear, that the earth isnt flat but round. The last thing u named about the location of God was maybe just the try of those medieval people to explain, where God lives. That this was claimed lets say based on the bible or refuted by the science, is just not true.
Well why did this god destroy the Babel tower in the Bible to prevent man from reaching his kingdom?
I would say there ar 3 main reasons:

1. God said them to scatter over the world after the fludde, but they didnt want and so didnt follow the God's plan

2. They wanted to get the name for ourself instead of honoring God

3. They wanted to go a safe way for the hope, if God would send the fludde again, so that they would be safed on the tower
It's all bullshit made up to make people feel better about themselves, and if it does make people feel better, then fair enough, but you didn't see Christians sending the makers of South Park death threats when they depicted Jesus in their show, just extremist bullshit afraid that anyone might disprove their religion, much like the pope.
i agree with u, that the violence is wrong, but i was referring to ur first point, where u meant there is no God
Kill them simple!
hahahah Allahu Akbar! :DDDDDDDDD oh man crazy behaviour
Lol, as a swedish i can just say that this guy deserve every punch in the face he gets.
Deserve what?? He didn't do anything serious.. meanwhile these cunts burn our flags and shit - we are not complaining are we? Thanks to people like you, europe is full of these.. Go vote for Mona Muslim
Vad menar du? provoserar man någon så som han gör förtjänar man också stryk.
Det jag menar är att islam och andra religioner är helt sjuka. Religion är grunden till krig..
Så om du provocerar mig, så har jag rätten att döda dig och din familj? Allt han gjorde var att måla en rondellhund med profetens nuna, och dom vill döda honom? För en teckning?

Visst var det fult av honom att göra en sån sak - det var dumt gjort - men förtjänar man stryk och döden för en teckning, då har väl fan mig världen gått för långt!

Dom här provocerar också Sverige, om du öppnade upp ögonen lite.
Öppna ögona? du kommer också tro på en gud en vacker dag ;)
Nej, tror bara på mig själv.

edit: om inte mona muslim vinner och tvingar mig, så klart.
Ingen ide att försätta skriva till dig, inte mycket du förstår iaf.
Jag förstår mycket mer än vad du gör i alla fall .
llol @ that pussy policemen/woman just fucking take your baton and start hitting those rioting bastards
Deserved? Well I suppose he isn't a popular person in Sweden, regarding your comments.. but fact is he held a speech for freedom of opinion. They should've punched him somewhere else then?
Please just see the fucking movie he made, i understand the muslims. Even makes me angry that he are allowed to that in public..
I would understand them if they feel offended. But strong people don't get hurt just by the opinion of someone else. If you really stand for something, you won't rage because someone else makes fun of you.
allah ahkbar ;P
what monkeys! glad there was noone with bomb. usually they never leave without one ;P
what is this about? they looks like retarded monkeys
The point I never understand is that if I went into a muslim country I wouldnt say ill of their religion, but if they go into a western country where no religion is sacred anymore why do they expect to be treated differently?

However one thing is for sure, they got some frigging amazing brainwashing in their religion
brainwashing in the religion? please, it's just some ppl that make it look like this
Imams are part of the religion.. and there are a hell lot of them who tell wrong and bad stuff. So I would say it's brainwashing in the religion.. for you the religion is probably that golden book in original shape, but unfortunately no one can go back 1500 years and see it.
it's not like every muslims are believing what the Imams is saying...
No, but some do. And that is part of brainwashing caused by people who claim to be religious.
I can tell that you won't believe what bad people tell you, but unfortunately there are a lot who are less capable of thinking for themselves.
Just hate when people are making a "generality" about muslims :)

I fucking dislike when I see muslims acting like this, makes us look like "bad people"...

I'm hell of a cool guy :D \ò/ and im muslim!
I used to have a colleague who was a muslim sitting right next to me. She was perfectly oke, giving her kids freedom to have their own thoughts etc etc.. but also saw enough who weren't so freely in their way of living. The reason I used that title was because I'm tired when people have to watch their words very carefully these days, afraid of getting beat up or even killed.
I tend to say everything straight from the heart, it has broken me up before, and it will probably happen again sometimes.
QuoteShe was perfectly oke, giving her kids freedom to have their own thoughts etc etc

Wow, that's really generous.
either u have pretty much of religious muslims who act like that and therefore Koran is the main influence source for such kind of behaviour, or the majority of the so called moslems arnt religious at all.
What do you mean? That if you don't follow EVERYTHING the Coran says, you are not a real muslims? Please... :p
u wanna say, every so called muslim who believes in the Existence of God, but has no other difference in other aspects from a nonbelievers, is a muslim? In my conception the muslim is one, who is a true muslim and holds the Koran for the only authority in his life and not the hypocrite like the majority nowdays. So its not only about to follow or not to follow some things, but its about if u have the true living faith or not, which in my opinion not many moslems have
I guess that's each one's opinion for this :)
not its wrong. Koran makes very clear, what it means to be the true muslim. And what i see every day on streets its just pathetic. Those acts like crazy monkeys without even knowing what their religion teaches about and why
here i agree with you :)
yeah but its quite a lot!
"sacred" means that is rules above everything else, be it laws, morals, logic or whatever. If there were someone posting seriously jewbashing content on this site you would rather soon try remove it, wouldnt you? and even elsewhere if certain criterias are met.

The same applies, something triggering you enough to take action -> you take action, not because it has to be the most logic choise but because it is the nature of most living lifeforms to do so.

See, neither of the actions of this case are logic, if self preserverence/conflict dodging are considered logic that is. Releasing and publicising "muslimbashing" goes into the offensive category, exercising violence are too.

There are always "better methods" in the eyes of the observer, and then the "better methods" vary to whom the spectator may be.
Who cares about jewbashing, it happens all the time. Do you think I'm jewish?
So you would happily agree to sign a permanently immutably binding contract that I am allowed to spamm how much I want, in all directories, whatever material I want. Be it gore, propaganda, scamming, illegal material in general, CP, clickbank associations or plain malware without risking any consequences or actions that goes against my will? :-)

I think ur Buddah
Isn't an observer a spectator? Or am I misunderstanding ?!
As I see it, the only aspect of difference is the brink of interference. Though my use of the two words is indifferent to the context.
Erm, okay!
"why do they expect to be treated differently? "

because our society let them behave and talk like that. We, and expecially our politicians ar dumb in this case.
thought i was watching Finland KRP lose for a moment :D
image: Unsportsmanlike_suckerpunch


seriously, how retarded can you be ?
nazi gets punched?
Perfect example why this world won't get any better. Learn 2 respect other religions. That goes for the Western world and for the muslims in both ways. People are just kicking each other toes now and this will continue as each kick needs retribution : /

Those guys who are provoking, get the people that are highly educated and outcasted by the society they migrated in, up the barricades. Possible result according to several scientists: Civil War.
Wtf is that for a reasoning.. religion caused so much trouble, it's only about power and abuse. NOT as in original way, but as it's taken over.
Respect for the criminals nowadays, no fucking way.
I know a few highly educates btw, and they aren't extremely religious and will never be.
Bullshit left-side theory about a Civil War.
Religion and criminals have about nothing to do with each other.

I recently watched a Dutch documentary from the non-biased program Zembla. The had it about the nonsense from Geert Wilders about his view on moslims and islam.
One of the issues were that there was an intergration paradox in Netherlands.

The intergration paradox = those who are highly educated are better intergrated into society and if they are feeling they are outcasted (no equal treatment) they will participate more in crime then those who are putting effort into intergration (Chinese groups for example.)

And yes, if the 'top/elite' group of society abuses a lower one, the lower one will revolt at the end of the day. Examples enough, maybe Civil War is a step beyond, but it happend before; see the ongoing war in Rwanda.
There is no god. All religious ppl are dumb fucks.
you cant prove that there is no god so your argument sucks brah
u cant prove that he exist too so what kind of dumb logic is that
you got the belief that there is no god.

religious ppl do believe in a god.

where is the diffrence between you and a christfag, you both cant prove the existence or non existence so why bother talkin about it?
Difference between him and religious people is that most of the religious people do retarded stuff in name of the religion.
stole my reply
How ironic this was caused by a "peaceful religion"
its not simply a problem with muslism.
christians have been going nuts for centuries and they/we kinda learned to relax.
however i think that tolerance can be misunderstood and that there is no room for extremism of any kind!
this should be considered a real crime!
Stupid cunt should be twatted in the face
fuking monkey fukwit terrorist cunts
there are just as many non religous retards.
God is just ultimate excuse for everyone from my point of view.
That's why this bunch of rats shouldn't be in our countries in the first place.
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